Determination is the route towards success

in #life6 years ago

Success of a person always comes accompanied with many factors. Out of these determination is most important one. Determination is the strength that will enable us to pass the barrier of useless thoughts, action, speech, opposition,avesity, in the path towards the glory. Determination is always follows by success. In any work we do we need this virtue. A determined person can do anything irrespective of every negativity in the life. So it is very much important for us to understand this quality properly to achieve success in what we do .No one likes failures but due to the lack of this quality and knowledge about it makes people failure. If we consider any successful person in this world we will find the first and foremost quality within them is determination. This virtue is the key to success. Let us discuss how we can achieve this valuable virtue in our life.

Keeping our promise in front of us-
When we keep promises in front of us we can remain determined. Linking promises with determination enables us to overcome all problems .When we make a promise we usually do so with a great deal of enthusiasm ,we feel committed to fulfill what we have said .But if we face a little opposition or difficulty in carrying out this promise we tend to lose hope and often give up trying .But if we are determined then we can fulfill the promise and bring about the change necessary for this purpose. Here we need to remind ourselves of the importance of promise we made. This will enable us to overcome the obstacles that stop us turning thoughts and words into action. Because promises naturally makes us determined.

Maintaining consistency in effort-
Success is achieved through determined effort. Sometimes when things don’t turn out the way we expected we tend to think negatively because we feel unsuccessful. This discourages us from trying again. But if we consistently go on giving our full effort, people can understand our hard work and help us and do whatever they can to achieve our goals. No one helps in the beginning but when we keep going with full confidence people stretch their hands to support us. This is a law of this society. So instead of getting disheartened we need to maintain our consistency. Understanding this truth helps us to remain determined.
Understanding no problem lasts for ever
When we move towards our goal a lot of negative situations are bound to come in our way resulting grief, pain, and disappointment and at that time such difficulties feels insurmountable and seen to last forever .But the difficulties we face are like passing clouds. These clouds gather around us at times but are only temporary, soon or later they fade away. But we need to be patient for this and wait for the right time. When we understand that no problem lasts forever it will help us develop the determination we need to work on our problem and to face any situations with ease.
Accepting barriers as stepping stones.
Determination breaks the barrier that difficulties create. We cannot avoid barriers that blocks our way and seen to stop our progress in our life. Lack of determination keep us behind these barriers and enforces us losing interest in life and all its opportunities. But when ever barriers appears if we remind ourselves that we can use them as a way to challenge to move forward a natural internal strength is felt within us and this enables us to accumulate determination we need to work to overcome those barriers. Barriers are like stepping stones towards our success. Although it may still take a great deal of effort to leap from one to the next, our determination to succeed will give us the strength we need.

Saying I will do it instead of I will try -
What ever we do we must face problems .there is no such work in this world where there is no hurdles.impediments.But when some difficulties come our way the first thought is often it is difficult but we would try to do it.But when we say , we would try, it brings doubts into the mind and when doubt creeps in we often overlook things that helps us become successful. So saying I will do is the key to success. This thought is filled with power, which in turn helps us make every effort to bring about the success. We will naturally do our best using everything available to us .This is the symbol of strength and when we are determined to succed,we find that other people and situations work in our favour to help us achieve our goal.
Understanding difficulties smaller as they are felt
Determination brings success.during difficult phases we tend to experience a lot of negativity within us and that particular situation then seems awfully big and it also seems to last forever. But in the real difficulties are not as huge as they meant but we make it big by imagining many thing negatively .Time seems to stand still for us.But it is moving on and every new minute brings a renewed opportunity for change and success. We should understand that no situation is bigger then us as whatever may be the darkest cloud still there is a silver lining,similarly every difficulty has a solution.When we develop this understanding within us we can remain determined and this will enable us to face any situation with ease.

Keep focusing on the goal-
Determinations overcome weaknesses. We all have weaknesses ,but a determined thought is all needed to overcome them.when we become determined ,the influence of others carelessness and noncooperation will not affet us .Once the seed of determination has been sown, it will grow within us and begin to have positive effect on those around us. A single determined thought can start our march towards victory.When we keep specific goal in front of us and keep focusing on that we can remain determined.Life without ambition has no value. A determined person can only not fall into the trap of excuses and remind himself of his goal and keep working until he achieve success. When we are sure of what we need to achieve ,we can able to move forward.And irrespective of every obstacle that come in our way we are able to take it in our stride like a river cuts its own path through the land, each of us able to create our own route towards our destination.

Focusing on achievements after struggle-
When we keep focusing on the achievement after any struggle we can remain determined, because the charm of our success weakens the strength of the difficulties. It creates natural enthusiasm and spirit to fight against every situation. Our hard work, sacrifice, dedication seems nothing in comparison to our achievements.

But determination must not be misunderstood with stubbornness .Determination is a virtue that helps us to bring glory in the life.It is a universal and beneficial quality of humanbeing.But stubbornness is a quality which is used for personal interest .This makes a person self oriented and limited. Result of determination brings prosperity in life but result of stubbornness brings pain ,narrowness and unpleasant situation in life. Determination is the route towards the success.


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