in #life7 years ago

Information, Ideas, purpose, preparation, and skills notwithstanding, without commitment there can never be accomplishment. Another word for commitment in this context is HARD WORK or DILIGENCE.
You will never have a developed nation without a productive citizenry. It is the input of individuals within a nation that results to the overall development of that nation. Where i come from, it is said that when you have one rich man in the midst of six poor people, what you have are seven poor people.

There is no political means to developing a nation, every development rests on the productivity of the nation's citizens. A nations where only one million of its five million people are working cannot prosper. this number would represent only 20% of that nation's population.
If you study the work ethics of south koreans, you won't be surprised that they came from far behind to become the thirteenth industrialised nation in the world. They were among the poorest nations in 1948, and then the people suddenly became responsible.
We as a people cannot afford to be begging around the world! we have enough, but we lack the required commitment. True, your desires are communicated in prayer. Jesus said, "whatsoever thing you desire when you pray, belive that you have it, and you shall recieve it."
There is dignity in labour. As a job seeker, don't keep waiting for a particular job. Whatever your hands find to do while looking for what you want, begin to do it with all your might, an what you are looking for will meet you in process.
Idleness is an enemy of destiny; don't it room. Have you ever wondered why many givers have not experienced a change of position? It is because God does not throw money down to people from heaven. He only prospers the work of their hands. Therefore , if you are doing nothing, there is no channel through which God can bless you.

Work is God's antidote against all manner of weakness and sickness. The physical body can likened to a building, and like any unused or unoccupied building, it soon begins to fall apart.
Another benefit of commitment is CREATIVITY. You cannot be committed and not be creative, you cannot be creative and not be productive. You cannot be productive and not be successful, you cannot be outstandingly successful and not be impartful. when you are committed, you are naturally creative. It is practise that makes perfect. When you are committed, Ideas start flowing to enhance your approach on the job.
It is time to recover your human dignity of the black man. It is time to rebuild your life.It is time to rebuild our nations. It is time to rebuild this great world.
Nothing is more impactful than your examples. When you start working, your children will follow suit, there own children will plug into it as well, and before you know what is happening, you have a responsible lineage

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