Morning Rituals

in #life7 years ago


So today, I am not sure what has gotten into me but I have completely switched up my normal routine. I typically start the day with 3 hours of solid reading/research but I just really wanted to play League today. One champion in specific came to mind, HEIMERDINGER I have played that little looking alien for the past 2 hours and have been having a blast.

A Ritual is typically something you do every day over the course of a long period of time. I think it is important to switch up routines/rituals every now and again, so you don't get sedentary in your actions. I don't think playing video games every day starting at 6:00 -7:00 Am is precisely what I mean by switching it up though but it kinda gave me a small wake up call that I could do something else. I could switch my reading's to memorizing monologues for example, I could be switching up the topics I research away from politics and crypto. I could even learn a new language or learn to play piano the possibilities are endless. I guess I just need to stop looking at things in such a linear view and start looking at it from outside the box in terms of what can be done with a golden hour in the morning!

Cheers ~ Steem ya Later

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