You Are Going Through A Process III, Contributed by @Olawalium

in #life6 years ago

This is a continuation of two earlier posts. You can read them here and here.


Those you admired today for having a certain considerable level of success didn’t get there in a sudden flight, they laboured and went through the fire. You didn’t know because you were not there with them. Let every man run his own race set before him. If you have to look at others, let it be for inspiration and a source of encouragement or motivation. Run your own race too and receive strength from the process. Processes are tiring and stressful, but then, can we really avoid them?

Making a product requires a process. Often times, the longer the process, the better it turns out. You are not broken, you are only going through a process. Even a dead clock is right, about twice a day. A broken mirror even reflects better because every one of the shattered tiny pieces reflects.

It is not as bad as it sounds. It is not as bad as it looks. It is not as difficult as it seems. It is a process that needs to be passed through. Go through it painstakingly, and watch out how well and refined you will turn out to be.


What you are going through right now, is a process. That broken heart is a process; it will teach you how to view things or love better. The lack of money is a process; it will teach you how it feels to not have when you have. It will also teach you (for those who remember) how to be kind.

The death of that loved one is a process; it will teach you how to value life more and appreciate those around you better. The loss of that job is a process; it will teach you how to run your own company or teach you never to rely too much on things that are not within your control. It might even give you a peek into how human beings act...etc.

Whatever you are going through is a process. No experience is a waste, I can boldly tell you that. When I was told to learn computer back then, I did reluctantly. It was supposed to be my holiday time and I didn’t see the need to add extra workload to it. I did and it stood me in good stead. Do you know that​ I was not asked anything deep when I went for the interview of my current job? I was told to input formulas on an excel sheet and I quickly remembered those formulas from back then and I was chosen out of 8-9 people I think.


No process is a waste, and because you don’t understand it now doesn’t mean the answers won’t come to you later. Understand the process and watch out.

One last part...stay tuned. Thank you.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


Bitcoin can be a shortcut for some :) But most will have to earn it!

Process still. Hahahaha. Nice one. Short and precise.

Those you admired today for having a certain considerable level of success didn’t get there in a sudden flight, they laboured and went through the fire.

You are absolutely right on this, but we don't always want to believe they actually went through fire before they could reached the certain level of success that is why we always try to manoeuvre our way forward without taking to the basic procedure and the process we have to pass through in order to reach our desirable height In life.

It is good to look up to the people at the top but we shouldn't envy them but rather get inspired, encouraged or motivated through various activities that actually brought them to limelight. Like you have said we should run our race in the sense and matter that we believe it is right as there Is always benefit in something we put effort into than just trying to win the race through fraudulent means.

It actually take two to tango and they say and two heads are better than one, we should learn from successful people around us, get inspired by them, get motivated through the process that they had passed through, note : we should follow people that we know there ways are straight, we will get to know this through background setting of the people we want to get motivated from.

Even a dead clock is right, about twice a day. A broken mirror even reflects better because every one of the shattered tiny pieces reflects

Funny though but contain reasonable point

Whatever you are going through is a process. No experience is a waste, I can boldly tell you that.

Whatever we might be doing now that seems tiring and not actually bringing the desirable results that we want now would always be our strength and be of good assistance in the nearest future as no knowledge is lost, no matter how small it might look. Always remember it takes one step at a time to reach the top of the ladder. Process is the key and the answer to our future. Plan well and focus as you r future is bright once you take the normal root . You always get me inspired through you piece.

Remember learning itself is a process

I always love to see your elongated comments here 😋....
You just have a way of breaking things down.
A post in another post.
Admiring people and wanting to be like them isn't a problem.
But wishing without doing is the problem.
We only wish to be like them
We don't want to go through the process.
You're very right here bro

Absolutely. When we do what others whom we admire do, we will definitely be able to reproduce their results. Many people only wish, without putting considerable amount of efforts into it. To wish is nothing, to act is everything. Success can always be duplicated...IF we follow the blueprint. Thanks a lot dear.

You actually nailed it all, process is the key the desirable success, to become more successful, it require a lot of effort and tirelessly process. I enjoyed reading this piece brother

Glad you enjoyed it. Duly appreciated.

I am glad you do get inspired with my posts. That delights me. Thanks a lot for your amazing contribution as always. Duly appreciated bro.

I love people who contribute immensely to the growth of the community, all these things you are doing are actually saving lives and helping a lot of people in all their endeavors. You always get me motivated and I really appreciate this is coming from my people. It is a matter of time we will get to the top sooner or later. Process is the key and the desire to change is mandatory.

Thank you so much for your kind words always and your appreciation. I am glad to have connected with you here and I love your views and ideas. I look forward to meeting you soon. Keep doing what you are doing, we would soon be unstoppable. I really appreciate @communitycoin for such a great opportunity and I am do thankful to @tangerinetravels for being so amazing. When You have great people beside You, you learn processes faster and have the strength to move through it.

Try and follow @tangerinetravels Please, and also on YouTube. They will always keep you entertained with their videos and also you will learn a lot from their posts.

I will surely do that brother, learning never stop, I really learned to process through your work brother. I will love to meet you soon. Thanks for this recommendation

All thanks to God. Yes, learning never stops. See you soon bro.

Truly, everything in life is all about process....
When my went for my National Youth Service, as an accountant, I was posted to a broadcasting organisation.
And of course, I was a bit irked by that act.
I mean, why should an Accounting graduate be relegated to doing something off her course of study.
Little did I know it was a process.
I learned what I had to, following the process and when I went for a job interview, it was my experience at the broadcasting firm that helped me out.
I finally got the job based on my one year experience at the firm.
Now, thinking back about it.....
What if I had asked them to reject me??

Everything is indeed a process.
When I lost a friend, it made me sit back and think, appreciating the goodness of life.

Life in itself is a process

Thanks much for this piece.
It really spoke a lot to me.


I am really excited you could relate to the part where no experience is a waste. People like doing things that are only pleasant, things that are within their comfort zone. In the land of extra miles, there are no traffic. Why? Only few people go that road. When we do what we are not used to, with time, it will stand us in good stead.

Thank you for this. Really appreciate it.

Thanks for sharing your experience as the process. It is really an awesome process .

Yeah.... It was awesome sharing it too.
Knowing that someone relates with your experience is worthwhile you know....

Yes, personal experiences always drive home the point better. Thanks a lot

Yeah process after process , life continues like it never ends

Let every man run his own race set before him. If you have to look at others, let it be for inspiration and a source of encouragement or motivation. Run your own race too and receive strength from the process.

It's God to live by choice, not by chance and to Make changes, but not an excuses. You have to be motivated, not manipulated. Work to excel, not to compete. And always listen to your own inner voice, not the jumbled opinions of everyone else. This are the only ways you can inspire people around you! And the best way you can grow into the best version of YOU!

It is not as bad as it sounds. It is not as bad as it looks. It is not as difficult as it seems. It is a process that needs to be passed through. Go through it painstakingly, and watch out how well and refined you will turn out to be.

Seeing some people above you doesn't define you as a failure, you don't even know if it takes them much time than you to reach were they are today, everything in life is a process, keep on with what you are doing and the results will surely come. Thanks for sharing @olawalium.

Seeing some people above you doesn't define you as a failure. You don't even know if it takes them much time than you, to reach where they are today. Everything in life is a process, keep on with what you are doing and the results will surely come.

I absolutely love this bro.

Reading from part one to part three is already a process, but it will only be a complete process by adding the wisdom part four to it..... Smile
I won't want to miss the final part of this series so as to complete the

Those things we call challenges are not to break us if we really understand the law of process, but to bend us to form a new shape suitable for the goal ahead.

That is why it is always good to undergo the process when you can still be bend, when you are still flexible, because learning about the process after you have become rigid is what make one to break.

Waiting anxiously for the final part, thanks a lot @olawalium and @communitycoin

We have patiently gone through the process of reading from the first part to the third
Yeah, when changes happen, it is not to break us but to build us....

Hahahaha reading from 1 to 3 is a process. Make sure you complete the process 😂😂😂

Exactly. This is the time we can pull through processes, even mentally. Once we find it hard to go through, it becomes more harder and by the time we learn we still had to go through it, it becomes way more harder. Learning as fast as we could and following through with understanding and determination really helps. Thanks as always.

Isaiah 28:24-25
24)Doth the plowman plow all day to sow? doth he open and break the clods of his ground?
25] When he hath made plain the face thereof, doth he not cast abroad the fitches, and scatter the cummin, and cast in the principal wheat and the appointed barley and the rie in their place?

A Farmer has to process the ground before he plow.. Because if he doesnt, his crops wont grow well..
Every Christian Must be in a process before they grow well... Thanks @communitycoin

So right....
A farmer goes to the farm, clears the grass, plants the seed and waters all through the time of planting till it's almost ready to be harvested.
It's all a process.
And he mustn't skip one because he feels it's strenuous.

Perfect. He must not skip one because it is stressful. If he does, the result can not show forth and if by any way it did, it cannot be sustained and he just added more process with greater loss.

I like this.

Some religious view to processes. You’re absolutely right my friend . The Bible itself recorded processes

Woooooow!. Love thisssssss!. Self explanatory.

I simply couldn't wait for this third part. The previous parts very very inspirational so is this one. My favorite take is the no experience is a waste quote. Many people look down on others with different struggles and experiences, and always think they're are superior to them because of the magnitude of what they've gone. This is not true in most cases. Every life experience is worth living for, and we can gain great deal of lessons if only we make our minds to learn from our experiences no matter how bad they may be.

This is highly motivational my friend, wow I agre with every paragraph, sentence, line , word said in this post. This is motivation of the highest order I can say .

Processes are tiring and stressful, but then, can we really avoid them?

No we can not, there’s no shortcuts to the bottom of the oceans , no shortcuts to the sky above . Ascending is a process, descending is another process. Growth itself is a process and life in general is a process. This is some deep motivation my friend. You’re so much appreciated for this @olawalium

This struck me well...

Ascending is a process, descending is another process. Growth itself is a process and life in general is a process.

So much sense in there. Ascending and descending involves processes and how long it takes us to understand the process will determine how long we are going to spend there. The point is, we can never ignore the process. Instead of fighting it, why not channel all the energy to going through with the process.

Thanks a lot bro. Good view.

There are no shortcuts to processes o my dear brother.
Even the short cut is a process 😂

I totally agree with you you my friend . Deep one there my friend

Hahahahaha gbam!

This is amazing, there is always a sacrifice even for the so called shortcut. Everything in this life is all about process.

I agree with you my friend, every process in life have stages and every stage is a process

Whatever you are going through is a process. No experience is a waste

Not at all, just like my neighbour's baby that I'm taking care of. Its a process of motherhood training for me.
Thank you as always @olawalium
May your knowledge never run dry

Hahahahaha I like that. Yes, it is shaping you and building you. You are going through the pain now to master the art. How effortless it would look from other people's view when they see you do it with yours. They wouldn't understand what you had to do to get there.

Yes ooo.. Thanks dearie

Hmmm yeah you’re right my sister , it’s a actually a process of getting yourself ready for motherhood. Well sha we’d be waiting for your own baby soon

Waiting for our baby from them both....
I did not call names ooo

You don’t need to call names @julietiareal it’s a open secret.


Hahahahahhaaah God help you oo

Lolzzzzz... Imagine these people ooo... Kikikikikikikikiki

Hahahahaah abi na

Chaiiiii Juliet!!!!!

Lol.... Very soon

We see those who rides expensive cars and those living big houses and we pray and wish to have such huge things but did we ever know the process they passed through?
Of course they passed through some process

You may passed the same process with them but maybe you still need more processes

We will all pass through different processes before we ever get to our destinations,yours would be differ from mine! That's nature and how it happens and this is God's plan, you haven't reach your peak, so try more processes and more,never get tired or relent

I laugh when people say it's luck or something like that.
I'm like, do you know what these people passed through to get to where they are right now.
We can only wish, but it doesn't equate doing.
Doing is the main deal.
The process thing.

Yes many people faced so much difficulties but they never stopped, they keep processing until they become processors

Absolutely. In this world where we try to compare results. We should always ask ourselves, am I doing what this person is doing? Am I doing as much as this person is doing?
Some parents compare children too, saying, "why can't you just be like so and So..." the question is, did their child pass through the process the other person's parent made their child go through. Every thing is about process in life. EVERYTHING.

Thanks a lot bro

You are right brother. But there are different type of process In this world most especially for those who actually get there money through fraudulent means, although that is also a process, we should just look forward to those had made their way to the top in the right process, money is not always the way to measure success. But satisfaction

Yea I didn't say frauds are good or you process being rich through fraudulence but is it all those rich ones get their money through fraudulence?

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