Second Guessing, Contributed By @Olawalium

in #life5 years ago


We live in an era where people will give you a questionable look if you ever give them something without expecting anything in return. They feel no one does anything for free and you can never blame anyone because we all have different experiences while growing up.

Is it true that nothing is truly free in free town? Hahahaha.

We live in that time and age where we have to second guess everyone’s motive but I live in my own world where I believe in random acts of kindness; where I would graciously give something to a stranger that I know I might never meet again in life. I like carving an indelible mark on people’s heart. I enjoy being instant in and out of season. I love it when I give people a pleasant surprise; I have surprises up my sleeves.


There are still people out there who will do something for you without expecting anything in return. Many people believe when you give to someone, you have something to ask if not now but later. That is not true in every case as I have enjoyed numerous from people who have given to me and never asked anything in return. In fact, the favour they keep showing me keeps increasing and I feel so undeserving, and when I help someone, I don’t think of how you might be of help to me. I act based on how my Spirit prompts me. This is why I am more intentional about random acts of kindness which I would do for a stranger and the person will wonder why. The possibility of not seeing the person again afterwards makes it even sweeter because no one can say I am expecting something in return.

I was in a cab one day and this woman mistakenly hit her finger with the cab door. As she was reeling in the pain, I showed concern to her and the cab moved. While I was halfway, I paid for her fare and I kept a straight face. I could see it from the corner of my eyes that she was looking at me, wondering why and how. She is older than me, definitely and the woman seated in between us tapped me when she noticed she was wondering why and how I could have paid for her.

…to be continued…

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


This is really strange...knowing you @olawalium but truth is truth that it's hard to make believe on people . In here I am in habbit of giving a smile seeing a good work..but people do doubt on that. Also it's not human fault. As there are many stories of thugs and exploitation by giving a good gesture or offering some gifts.

Posted using Partiko Android

Absolutely! It is really not people's fault but their exposures, and their experiences while growing up. We have been conditioned to believing nobody does anything without ulterior motives and when people do it, they are being careful about receiving such gesture.

We live in a world where everyone guards himself or herself.

Glad to have you here, my friend.

Thanks will find me regular now...getting back to rhythm slowly👍

Posted using Partiko Android

It is really common in our society today that people always expect returns from what they have done or give. What they cease to understand is that just because they helped a person with white skin doesn't mean that you will receive the rewards from that same person.

Though, we all that nothing is free even in free town but we should always limit our expectations to whether people will give back what we have given unto them. If the person finds it really cool to appreciate, fine and good and if not it is OK. Simple thanks is enough, you should stop expecting big things all the time.

I gave him five naira. At least I should be expecting 3 naira back. And this affects the way we give. Many prefer to give to someone that have with hope that they will receive it back in tenfold.

We have never truly given until we give to someone who might never be able to repay us. We need to understand that we are to control the way the world thinks or sees things and not the other way round. If we keep doing it right, regardless of what people think, it is only a matter of time before the world's view would change. We should keep at it.

Thanks a lot for your valuable contribution. I enjoyed it.

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