Life Goes On, Contributed By @Olawalium

in #life6 years ago


I have loved many and then lost many
Life is about additions and subtractions
People come into your life and people leave
And then you meet new people along the way
That is life; we meet and then we leave
I have seen those who came like a storm
And stayed with me like a cool breeze
I have seen people come into my life quietly
And then stormed out like the hailstorm
People come, people leave and then life goes on
Never forget to hold on to what is important to you
Your peace is important and a change in perspective
When you understand nothing lasts forever
It might help you to handle things way better
I have seen betrayals and I have seen loyalty
I have experienced love so deep, and also deep hurt
Life stops for no one due to how we feel or see things
Life moves on, and we should do well and move on too

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


Life surely goes on, forget your impact, once you are gone though, if you make a positive impact in life you will be remembered but life will always find a substitute for anything. There is nothing like if not me then nobody else. That is why, no matter how strong a love is. After your demise, the opposite sex will find it way on life. Such is life. The best is, do good.

Yes, life goes on. We need to do our bit, and learn never to take people's criticism and some situations to heart. Life goes on regardless.

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