It Is About Them, Contributed By @Olawalium

in #life6 years ago


Often times people judge us easily because they are being reminded about who they are. It takes a lot of effort to point fingers at others without necessarily feeling the brunt too. Many people will judge you and it has nothing with what you have done but it is more about them than you.

It is funny how people easily suspect others; judge them without looking deep inside. It is funny to see people judge others they know nothing about but like I said, never take it to heart, because they are talking about ‘them’ rather than about you.

I can remember while growing up in my former place. Anytime people see you with a lady, they assume you are both dating and to make it worse, when the person is now coming out from your house, with you, haha their imaginations run wild. I used to get a little worried when ladies visit me. Sometimes I wouldn’t want to walk them out or sometimes I would avoid their visit but I am wiser now. I got to know that they were suspecting that because that is what they would naturally do if it was them.


Sometimes, people will try to box you into who they are, thinking everyone is the same, so they can feel good about themselves. Do your thing and have your clear conscience. Don’t let people box you into who they are in their head and then sell it to you. Be your own man.

When people judge you, always remember it is more about them than about you because that is what they would naturally do if it was them, and they await that opportunity. Lack of similar opportunity makes people judge us too quickly.

There is no higher court than the court of conscience and when you play, know that you will pay, as there is a thin line between love and hate. It is not about you, it is about them, don’t be too careful around people. Don’t live your life trying to please people. As long as you have a clear conscience which makes you sleep fine at night, then you are good to go. You are not expected to wake up every day just to please people. There are many roads to success, but let me tell you the one I know which leads to failure; trying to please everyone. Be you!

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


@olawalium sir!
Keeping everyone happy is not possible for everyone. These people live in every ideology in the world, some of which only work to remove drawbacks. Justice is not on evidence and witnesses, but the decision taken with discretion is more lasting and reliable.


You reminded me of the song "JUDGE NOT" it depicts many of what you just said! I don't know why people used to judge people without any reasonable reason!

I wish to listen to that song. Exactly, they judge people they know nothing about. Like i said, it is about their insecurities.

Thanks a lot.

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