Falling in love vs Ascending in love; What is the difference and why does it matter?

in #life8 years ago (edited)


What does it mean to be in love ?

It means to be in a state of love.

To be in a state of love is the most natural thing in all of existence (at least in this universe.)

To be in love is natural, to FALL in love is quite another matter.

What does it mean to fall in love?

It means to be so in love with another that you are falling.

To fall is to plummet, to fall is to drop from a higher state of existence into a lower state.

We fall into a lower state or vibration because we have attached our idea of love unto another; we have pretended that they are the source of our love.

We have attached our source of love onto another; we have made the one we are in love with the primary source of our love, instead of deriving our love from within.

When you become attached to those you are in love with, you fall.

You cannot stand being away from them for a single second, and even when you are with them you cannot escape the knowing that this moment will end, yet you imagine in your stubborn human nature that you can stretch the moment into infinity; thus when the moment ends and the relationship is over, you experience immense pain.

This pain you feel is a lack of love, or a high vibration, and you experience this because you have attached you source of love unto another.

This is what it is to FALL in love.

Instead of living as if this person is the source of your love, realize that they are but a reflection of the love that you already ARE.

In the mainstream status quo of life, we are fed a dianetic model of life and existence rather than a spiritual or metaphysical one.

This causes us to see the world as naught but what our senses can perceive.

We are told that feeling is not a sense; yet it is the sixth sense that is greater than all the other senses.

It is the sense that connects us to the higher realms of existence, to the higher energies of life.

Clairvoyants, mediums, psychics etc. use the sense of feeling largely in their work to connect with the higher realms.

Everything is energy and love is the word we have attached to the highest, fastest spinning energy we can feel.

Yet when we take a dianetic model of existence to true we are lying to ourselves.

We are pretending that we are not vibrational beings who live in a vibrational multiverse.

When we do this, we ignore our need for love and do not learn how to naturally raise our vibration; in fact, most mainstream thought-slaves do not even know that everything is energy and that all energy vibrates at a particular rate of motion and pattern.

This is something that a five year old can understand, yet most of us go on pretending that the physical world is all their is.

Thus, when we do come into a state of intense love, experienced through the connection to another human being who is really just a reflection of our selves and vice versa,we fall.

We fall because we have not learned how to BE love, and therefore have to experience this state of bliss only from this connection to another.

Learning to ascend in love.

Their is nothing necessarily wrong with falling in love, save that it is limiting to our evolution.

Many people would argue that that feeling of immense pain is just part of what they would call the "game" of love.

They would argue that it is part of the experience of love.

Yet I would say that we can love another and in fact be deeply in love with them, without ever falling.

How do we do this?

We do this by recognizing ourselves as the primary source of our love; receiving the higher energies of the higher planes and embodying a state of love as our natural state.

When we do this, we can come into a deep coition or state of union with another without ever becoming attached to this person.

We can use their love to enhance our own; without forfeiting our own love and falling into a state of love-dependence.


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I always enjoy your thoughts. And this makes a great deal of sense. When I was eighteen, I fell in love, and it was a roller coaster of great joy and deep sorrow for the next several years, there was no balance. But to be perfectly honest, I would not take it back or do it differently. At the same time, I look back and laugh at how shallow, naive, and selfish that type of love truly was. I am still with that man, and the love I have for him now is oceans of depth in comparison. We are individuals and yet we are also a part of one another. If you find the right one to share your life with it does not impede your ascension, it hastens it. You challenge one another to go higher, to do better, to be all that is possible. Sometimes he is my teacher, and others I am his, if I make it to the next ledge of knowing I reach down and help him up, then the next time he does the same for me. And when you have that kind of unconditional love, it is pure empathy, and it allows you to have it for others as well. One candle can bring light in the darkness, but two makes that light shine brighter, and on it goes.

Thank you for your comment and attention @dreemit

I am glad you appreciate my thoughts on life.

Thats what coloured content is all about: initiating new perspective. and I want to turn that into a buissness model and create real revenue.

I dont know how exactly, but If I dream it it will manifest.

I want it to become an actual tool for mind expansion; like qn iphone app or something, and it will include mindful mondays, the daily dose of colour email service, and these types of articles.

But I need to figure out how to build that service.

I need to get in connect with developers so I can ask them questions on what I will need as a hosting service based on what I need to provide.

I long for the day when I meet an amazing woman who can add her flame to mine; and I know it will come at the right time.

On another note, I'm still waiting for you to continue the playground series and today again.


Peace and love :) <3

Oh, if you're intent is to find the one, you will ;)

I'm afraid my muse has taken a hiatus...it appears to be waiting for spring to arrive as much as I am. I really need the outdoors and nature to be inspired sometimes, especially for The Playground Series.
Am currently working out exactly where Today Again is going...it was all well and good to wing it to this point, but if I continue doing that I'm afraid it will suffer in the end. But..you should see more of that one soon :)

I agree, I think the plot needs to be carefully calculated before it is executed

Huh. I actually just got back on steemit specifically to tell you that your comment inspired me so much that suddenly my ideas for the story are firing on all cylinders and I've been plotting non-stop since. ;)

Wonderful :)

Glad that I could be of inspiration.

How far are you with the play ground series?

Nice....read a little bit, upvoted and leaved nice comment then I sleep...zzzzzzzzzz!

ummm ..... Its not very long.

Humans need to increase their attention span.

Maybe get away from the constant stimulation of things that are not relevant. lol.

Thats what I've done. I focus on bringing my reality to life, not on what is going on in japan, canada, china, russia or somalia,

Of coarse, I care about these things to an extent; but I realize now that their is so much going on that I have to focus on what I want to bring about and not unessasary things.

I hope you can make the time to actually read and digest the information, if you feel inclined to :)

Thnx for commenting.

Ha...ha.. Okay... I wake up to get my medicine and notice about your comment and sleep again. It is 3 am in my country... Nice! :)

Haha my bad; what I meant is read when you have a chance !

Where do you live?

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