Peace is about finding your inner piece; and is more than mere cessation of war.

in #life7 years ago


In a world plauged by constant violence, it is thought that peace is naught but a mere cessation of war.

However, this is simply not true.

Peace is more than the absence of war...

In fact, peace is the exact opposite of war; peace is finding harmony with all life so that we do not have to fight each other, but can co-exist in love and tolerance.

But how does one find harmony with all life?

In order to live in peace, one must first discover their inner peice.


Discovering your inner peace is about finding your piece to add to the universe.

Imagine the universe is a giantic puzzle. Each piece is needed to complete the whole.

Thus, as you alighn harmoniously with your highest possible self - as you become complete within yourself by literally becoming peace - you become a force that radiates harmony out into the universe.

Finding this harmony within yourself and radiating it out into the universe is how you add your piece of peace to the universal puzzle.

Doing so not only brings you peace; but adds your piece of peace to the already existing harmony of the universe.

Becoming peace.

To become peaceful is to become still and to radiate stillness.

Indoctrinated humans have been trained to use their analytical mind to find problems and initiate solutions.

Dwelling so much in thought, that they forget their true essense; believing it to be the thoughts that they think.

While the thoughts that we think are powerful and manifest our reality, they are not who we truly are.

Who we truly are is spirit; the force of all things manifested in a physical body.

We are an essense that is both empty and full.

Empty as devoid of thought, and full of isness.

When we learn to out-manuever our thoughts, we learn that their is a complete and loviung essence that is who we truly are.

This essense is referred to as light, love, spirit, energy, consciousness, awareness, samhadi etc.

Becoming the toltality of this essense is referred to as reaching Nirvana, becoming enlightened, becomiung Heaven etc.

Tapping into our true selves which is this essense, is becoming our piece of peace.

This essence that is us in reality is always within us; lurking beneath obsessive thinking.

Some ways of tapping into this essense are; Meditation, Chanting a mantra, contemplation / awareness of thine self as pure energy etc.

"Quiet the mind and the soul will speak" - unknown

As we become peace and thus add our peice of peace to the universal harmony, we create the opportunity for others to find their piece of peace.

As more and more beings become peace, so too do they manifest peace; adding to the universal harmony.

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Agree. Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind and energy on the present moment. BE STILL . because the Future is actually the present moment . Body . Mind . Spirit

Yes. In this moment I am glad you have reminded me of this. I had temporallily forgotten.

we love peace


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