We gotta know what's cook'n, don't we?

in #life7 years ago

You may have heard it a million times, but

Life is a serious matter indeed..

.. yes, a very serious matter, about getting where we need to be


right to the purpose of life

which is of course

a joyful existence!


This is of course not all about Clowning -

What about
  • The joy of serving the Source of All
  • The joy of knowing
  • The joy of understanding
  • The joy of purpose
  • The joy of worthiness
  • The joys of life itself..

..including naturally
  • The joy of not being the property of stupidly arrogant self appointed zealots
  • The joy of feeling secure through mutual trust
  • The pleasures
    of being productive
    of creatively enhancing quality of life
    of love and beauty and of music and of art
    of community and of laughter
    and of many things more...

But none of these joys can be secure

while some of us

keep heartlessly exploiting

some of the rest of us

Why is this the fate of humankind?

Because in all societies
over time
due to weaknesses in human nature
self centered shrewd ones
gain the upper hand
by misusing the trust
of the innocent

And how is it then

that a morally corrupted handful

can mercilessly exploit

the mostly innocent majority?

The answer is very simple

They have the majority of us

in captivity
under control

And keeping you captive in their scheme of things
and under their control
is simply to their advantage

Democracy was thought up to counter this tendency

but the democratic model that we use
is as corruptible as those who run it

Don't believe it?

Lets look at captivity and control a little closer


Through Citizenship
you concede ownership of your life
to whoever 'owns'
the state
by devious means

Has it ever really sunk in with you that the 'Federal State', a.k.a., "the USA" is in fact a corporate entity in its own right, based on its own bit of land, apart from its 'member states', and that it owns goods called "citizens", distributed throughout the fertile 'member states', each of them a potentially productive item, from which it squeezes an income called "federal tax", which its spends on its projects and on paying interest on loans made to fund those projects? Sounds like a corruption proof setup, does it?

Not a nice way of seeing it, but true.

About this you can read a book by Roger Sayles, called "From Sovereign To Serf", available from his website. Roger Sayles has dedicated more than the last two decades of his life researching the question of citizenship versus natural rights and today is a free man, with no obligations to the feudal Federal State - not even tax-wise. His book also tells you how to achieve the same status. 'Citizenship' of the USA is in fact a voluntary condition foisted on you in a very subtle manner. You can, within the law, justified by birthright, live a perfectly normal life in any of the member states, without being a servant ('citizen') of the Federal State. The ordinary citizen is not even vaguely aware that there is in fact a choice in the matter.


is gained
by applying three institutionalized tools to the citizenry

Civil Law
Financial Enslavement

The functions of all three of these devices can be applied either positively or negatively

And Western Civilization is failing on all three points

What are the effects this decay of civilization?

More crime, diminishing quality of life, greater wealth divide, no more mom at home, families falling apart, more public violence, insane wars, more bankruptcies, a destroyed middle class, etc, etc, etc - al spiraling further and further out of our control...

How terribly sadly insane!

How can we stop the rot?

By keeping the tools out of greedy hands

And how, all of a sudden, out of the blue, are we enabled to do this?

Decentralizing (blockchain-) technology allows all of these services to become quality controlled - by you.

When this is achieved, then

  • Civil Law will serve only Justice
  • Indoctrination Agencies will be replaced by honest brokers of truth
  • Financial Enslavement will become Financial Freedom

It may take time for this phoenix to rise from the ashes of a crumbling civilization, but I believe it can.

All points I touched on above

can be seen as an unsorted index of sorts

of topics I intend blogging on

..with perhaps some more light hearted stuff thrown in between!

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Not being in a position of earning a living in more demanding ways anymore, I now focus my energy on sharing what life has taught me with you - pay back time!

My ambition has always been to get to the nub of things - to understand the underlying concepts behind everything, be it religion, philosophy, politics, economics, science, technology, biological evolution, nature, agriculture, the essence of life, the evolution of spiritual life - everything we need to grasp in order to make the best of our moment in time.

Having dealt with all walks of life, from having dined and wined with of the most senior in society to having had a barbecue with murderers and robbers under starlight, and having suffered the privilege of sharing moments of happiness and times of despair high and low, I have seen life from all angles.

I have also been extremely fortunate to have had amongst my friends along the path of life leaders of different mystical societies, highly qualified professionals of various disciplines, laborers and drifters, artists and musicians, entrepreneurs of all kinds - all rubbing off on me a little of their experience, knowledge and insight and sharing their different orientations in life.

I hope you find the perhaps slightly different flavor to your taste.


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Credit graphics to Paint X for providing the software


Welcome to Steemit. This was an interesting post very well written. Thanks for sharing. Keep Steeming On!

Thanks@firepower - got some really fundamental monetary stuff to share as well!

Have a pleasant day!

I will look forward to reading it.

Your interest is appreciated @firepower - and you will know why!

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