Stairway to Heaven

in #life6 years ago


Please read this small reading guide and definitions before sailing on this streem:

The truth will not make you popular. In fact unraveling another bodies elaborate identity which has assisted a prosperous or desired outcome has the capacity to incite anger and hatred. Many want to keep their repressions believing their identity will somehow live forever. It won't but boohoo, what can we do for these people. Nothing. We're all alone in the process and if you take nothing else from this book I wish you solemnly realise that you must face who you are alone or the self-corrective action you implement will never be lasting.

This world is an endless power game. On a long enough timeline self realisation and release of all identities is inevitable, it is the unceasing search of the soul for meaning. There will always be new unending ways to repress and make identity survive cycles of time due to the belief repression encompasses all existence, but the hole in the soul is the same, the search will always be the same, the game will continue for as long as those that wish it for, wish it. Many of these identity survival methods come at the cost of a large amount of lives farmed as potential souls in the system.

Yes, you must give up who you think you are in order to create a better world for all. But this is no sacrifice when the results can clearly be seen through the looking glass of the purified, relaxed mind.

Don't you want to get off the merry go round?

There is life outside this universe of consciousness. Once one boundary is broken another appears in endless formation unto eternity.

So for now, a few of us must give up our place in this game of faces and discard our identities to become self realised vessels in order to heal the world from the pain caused by the power hungry games played by these ancient demons of old. We do this by taking these dominant repressions within ourselves and realising or releasing them within our self-realised vessels dissolving them back into the ether.

The more human physical bodies that self realise, the shorter this process will take and the less pain that will be caused in the long run. As it stands this transition into a cooperative reality caused by the sacrifice of these self realised vessels will take between 300 and 400 years with the current number of self realised vessels as at the writing of this book. This figure could be significantly reduced by just a thousand more vessels becoming self realised.

There are many enemies to this path, and it is only necessary to realise and release the repressions that block our path to oneness and equality. There is no need to tamper with this system any more than is required for a clean and steady healing. It is also a danger to 'heal' too many and a Jesus repression may get 'jammed' in your vessel by outside collective projection for assisting others in a self-centralising way. The accumulation of followers then is inevitable because you have unwittingly provided a way for them to avoid facing their own pain. This is a pitfall many would be process assisters have had to experience the hard way.

Wherever possible all vessels must be shown their own independent path and only at integral moments assisted briefly until they can walk their own path independently. 'Hard love' is a necessary element of this assistance. Otherwise dependence will be ensued from that vessel's repressions to you and that vessel's process of self realisation will mean nothing until they finally come to the realisation they are alone in this work, and only their unconditional application as all as one as equal will release their repressions, making their self-corrective action effective. This can be a time loop of years. Sometimes when we assist we actually hinder, but this can only be discovered through your own personal experience and experimentation.

Having sacrificed our identity to assist in saving this reality, as result we will have no place in the healed world of this reality and will be forced to go to another reality to start again usually with little or no memory of what we have done before.

It cannot be known how many times we have done this before. Nevertheless, it must be done and we will do it.

In the unlikely event of all human bodies self realising, a new world for everyone including ourselves will be possible in this reality, but a hope in this outcome is a terrible thing to hold onto. This system has found a way to continue for this long and it is beneath common sense to consider this will change. Regardless, there is a small possibility.

So having said this I just need to be very clear -

It is best not to hope.

Just get on with it.

When you feel you have an authentic and honest realisation of the absolute necessity of this work. Share your story complete with the methods that have personally assisted you to come to this realisation. Write it down in a blog or in a book like this, make video interviews, write songs and poetry, incorporate it in your art, put it in your own words, with your own flavour so as to reach those who travel immediately within your sphere of influence. With this method of propagation of ideas, the people of the world will more quickly come to a collective self-realisation and stop giving their power as vessels away to repressions that have controlled our choices for so many ages past. The more vessels that self-realise the easier it gets for everyone and the potential for great positive change increases exponentially.

We can avoid another cycle of 'civilisation' with our effective application to this work. The message is really very simple, but it seems we have forgotten simplicity. We must re-awaken ancient purpose and animate it in our vessels.

Be free, be clear, be open, be vigilant. Love yourself, trust yourself, trust god, move forward, never back. Always forward.

This is the great work and its deadline is eternity.

In love,


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