
Everything from the 'past' puts us where we are now and eventually where we will be, however the thing to always remember is that all that has, is, and will be, is all happening in the 'now'. We have the power within ourselves via the source consciousness to change the past, present or future. We make this reality what we choose. We can't judge or be judged, and everything we experience, either good or bad, is a learning and/or teaching situation.

The Return of the Sandstorm-jedi!

The Sandstorm Strikes Back :)

I consider the past a library, and definitely one of the 'books' in it that I've learned does nothing to help is labeled GUILT. So good for you, learning that lesson probably much sooner than I did :)
Taking responsibility for actions and guilt are not the same things either, I'm all about personal responsibility. One of the reasons I like you so much is I do not see a victim when you speak. And all that you're doing now is going to make you into a far more attractive being, which may bring your "script" where you'd like it to go anyway.

You always show up at the right time, you must be following your path pretty well. :) I'm grateful for having ran into you and I appreciate the fact that you notice I am trying to change. I felt for a long time that I needed their forgiveness, but the fact is that I don't need anything from anyone. I appreciate what I do get and I'll hold on to the memories and whatever I have that brings joy to me. I'm done with any and all negative bullshit from my past and I don't even care that it took four months to forgive myself. Everything is as it should be and I refuse to believe that life is complete chaos. If I had to meet someone that inspired all of this change just to realize that I wanted to be and do better with my life, I appreciate that she played that role and she doesn't owe me another chance to prove that I have become a better person. I'm just grateful that I was able to see what I was doing and grow so I don't have to spend the rest of my life destroying everything that makes me happy to punish myself. Thanks for your wisdom and insight, it's always appreciated.

I'd say the universe has put us in one another's path. I've learned to pay attention to signs, so when I look at the feed for the first time today and you're at the top having just posted, I feel a draw and a connection and know I'm meant to read it.
I'm in chat if you ever wanted to talk :)

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