Tech PSA & Îf people are afraid to share information on government abuses of laws like FISA or individual cases of illegal targeting, what kind of society are we?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

So Tech PSA first.

I've always reported glitches I believe will help white hats and society within my own devices. When I discovered my microphone & camera likely were being used to track and spy on me it was 2011. No one to relate to it was new and unknown and talking about it was taboo. No one believed it. I did. Because it was happening. Tech world after end of 2012 began to wake up to its misuse and try and go public.

It was and still is awkward. So this is twofold really. If you think somethings wrong with you or your childs tech: trust yourself, look to see the signs many are now known. Never install an alarm with a bluetooth system. Ever. Turn off even unplug wifi and bluetooth at all times when not using. Its not only safer, healthier but its also safer for those disappearing bees etc. Unplug.

Recently my phone screen began to freeze. Thats new. Then around same time that started, when typing different characters come up than what I am typing. I typed r or t and got 4 instead. Thats just prior to writing. Why did it stand out? I had it happen the other day and last week. Its not normal. Its as if I'm tethered or theres some mirror weird device and when my phone is off lets just say removing sim & battery well.. I'd advise it but appareny that helps if your only semi targeted. Levels. Freqencies don't need batteries as long as they hit intended target/device. Many relays exist... Later subject.

So new one! I've coped and survived by narrowing apps or other being used down. So they rewrote my start up wizard to over ride my command it just restarts. Its like a stutter to them yet it interupts them none the less. But due to my disabling so many apps they came through or whatever apparently the clock is still a choice app. Its like maps. Built in apps. But they seem to have gotten crafty. Using the screensaver app and putting clock as my screenlock. Once it locks its theirs? Is it possible? It appears to be guilty party but I could be missing something. Google play disactivated still runs in background.

Now onto what kind of society are we? I mean a democracy usually doesn't have journalists and others fearing jail for exercising their civil rights and freedom of speech. The right to pursue liberty and happiness actually includes that. When contractors or agencies can legally gangstalk you, threaten ndaa and everyone is quiet about it? For those with a clue its sad.

Unfortunately most people think a clue means having to think about what things mean. Uncomfortable. Awkward. The TV is right there. They are tired. That damn job. So they tune those uncomfortable truths into someone elses problem or paranoia. Which has allowed the problem to grow. The internet psyops... Sheesh half the "heroes" at least are fake.

It took me years to process what I learned within my invasion of private life to losing it all. For people who are just now learning, I feel sorry for you. Its life shattering. I didn't drink alcohol for years following. It might've let the absolute anger and desperation interfere with facing it on its terms. Life. Its not a walk in the park... In fact I stay out of National Parks. 😕

When we refuse to learn and accept responsibilty for the way things are, its called a cop out. Outsourcing. Its not peoples fault its the political person they don't like fault. Yet the entire legislative branch enabled draconian misused laws under national security. Congress has shutdown, borrowed, sold and squanderd how much: republican or democrat?!

Why do people keep talking about talking head presidents, as if no one else counts?

You think its weird people are saying its not normal for them to be censoring earthquakes and other enviornmental data? Why is that normal? What is normal about legally censoring with the national security act environmental data? I would love for someone to explain that to me and have an argument with more pros than CONS to enact those procedures.

These are actually global issues. Adapted to each culture. The French for example wouldn't even notice the censorship because their censorship bubble is so big. In climate censoring its also due to lack of base knowledge of our geology and volcanic areas.. How the hell that happened... If there was a wizard editing or distorting important historical facts..

Ever seen Auvergne? Extinct volcanoes. So extinct if an earthquake happens at one, no one connects it. Its not even listed anywhere to be monitored. Its cool, nowdays they have hot springs there and volcano theme park. For our non existent volcanoes. Some would laugh and say they are dormant like volcanologists or seismologists. Not history books or wiki anything they lie 😂

So I sound odd pointing that out? Why? Whether its active or not whats with literal misinformation being accepted as truth and questioning the messengers or the people concerned about not having that info and intent of censoring.

Why do people trust our governments & agencies so much? Why does a flag or fake anthem mean more than taking a knee for the 100,000s of human trafficking victims being trafficked for the superbowl tradition in every city?

Sorry. I have always tried to find logic and reason now in a world where I ask the questions above due to literal fear of insanity reigning... Being informed in a time of lol a meme did you see trump.. Its meh.

So what kind of people are we? If tech like our phones was a partner wouldn't it be considered an abusive relationship from onset?

The apps have spyware out the wazoo that come built into phone. Its been outed. Stop fooling yourselves. You cannot keep someone who wants in out. They experimented on our devices, sold our data, collected it and I'm not talking NSA but the root applications like google. Are you ok with all that? Its here now but maybe awareness of it all is good no?

Whether we like it or not, its a new world order. Nothing is like it was supposed be in what was sold to democracies etc, but its here. Tech too. Its new and learning where we live should be our first tennent. Just saying.

If I had a book right now to take my mind off this.. It'd be IQ84


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