👀Look where you want to go

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Pink Elephant

Close your eyes. Visualize a pink elephant. As vividly as you can, glowing pink. Now tell yourself

“Do not think of a pink elephant”

Got it? Good. Think of something else. Anything but the pink elephant. Do NOT think about the pink elephant

What are you thinking of? The pink elephant right?

Our minds are not that great at suppressing thoughts, we just don't have that much control.

You tried to, but the effects were essentially quite the opposite.

The Law of Attraction

Phineas Quimby’s was diagnosed with tuberculosis and despite unsuccessful medicinal treatment, somehow he recovered, happy and healthy.


The basis of the premise of the law of attraction, which later on was derived from Quimby’s life experiences and philosophies.

The trouble is in the mind, for the body is only the house for the mind to dwell in, and we put a value on it according to its worth. Therefore if your mind has been deceived by some invisible enemy into a belief, you have put it into the form of a disease, with or without your knowledge. ~ Phineas Quimby

Give attention to what you desire in life

The law of attraction obeys your thoughts and thoughts soaked in fear make life difficult. It is your state of mind you that manifest as self-fulfilling prophecies.

Attract negative things with negative thoughts. Attract positive things with positive thoughts.

Riding a Motorbike

An analogy I like to use will be very familiar with motorbike riders. Say for example there large rock in the middle of the road, to avoid it, the last thing you would do is to look straight at the rock. No...

The bike moves towards where you put your eyes.

To avoid the rock, you would glance at it, acknowledging that it is there, and keep that in mind. Don’t focus on the rock.

If you do you'll find that it comes closer and closer to you, and then... yeah let's not go there. Similarly, you shouldn’t focus on the problems in your life, because trust me, your biggest nightmare will come true.

Don't say the word Don't

When you say, “I don’t want to worry today,” you start worrying.

When you tell yourself, “I don’t want my business to fail,” your mind thinks “My business is probably going to fail.”

When a parent says “Don’t forget to clean your room, the room stays messy.

“I don’t want to worry about anything today.”


“I would like to calm down today.”

Do you see the difference?


Thank you this amazing post. I truly loved the art about the law of attraction and the pink elephant. It really inspired me and I look forward to reading more of your posts!

Thanks for checking out the post. I'm glad you enjoyed it :D

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