How can I make your day better?❤️

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hello, my dear Steemians!

Today I have a special guest in my home. He is a writer and just very experienced in life person. He has a wife and 2 pretty children. They are a happy family, but it used to be like this just year ago. Today I ask him to tell us his story…

Hello, my name is Alex. I want to tell you about my story, about how my wife and I saved our family from destruction, how it was for real…no imagining things. It was really bad. My wife Ann and I, we were arguing all the time. Looked like a divorce was unavoidable.

One day we were arguing really hard by phone. I did not have forces anymore and was mad with wild rage and just exploded. In the end, she dropped the phone and I had nobody to shout at. The problem was I did not want to divorce. Somewhere inside I knew that Ann is a good person and I loved here. So, I could not conclude in my brain why two people, who love each other cannot live in peace?

I released my anger and was about to fall asleep. And then…I got some crazy idea to make an experiment. This was the last what I could do, I had nothing to lose. I smiled a fell asleep.
Next morning woke up, went to the kitchen I found Ann there. She was so cold, indifferent and even did not have a look at me.

It looked a little bit childish. So I asked her:

"How can I make your day better?"
Ann gave me an angry look.
"How can I make your day better?"– I repeated
"No way! – snapped her.- Why are you asking?"
"Because I am serious," - said I. – "I just want to know how to make your day better".
Looked like she decided to mock me"
"Perfect! Do you want to do something? Clean the kitchen!"
She expected I would explode, but I did not, just nodded: “Ok, I will do this”. Then I cleaned the kitchen. What will you say after that darling?

Next day she was the same cold and indifferent. And again I asked my question.

"Go clean your mess in the garage!"
I am a busy person and have a lot of things to do. My wife knew it perfectly fine. But I decided to go the whole hog. I smiled and agreed.
It took me 3 hours to do it. I did it and it seemed to me that Ann looked bemused.

It was raining hard the next morning, but my mood became curious.

"How can I make your day better?"– I asked her coming closer.
She took a step backwards, she was about to cry:
"Stop it! Nothing! You can do nothing! Stop mocking me!"
I stayed quiet. Then I took her hand in mine and told her that I will not stop and she has my word that I will continue doing it day after day because I love her.
"I will stay with you and will ask you every day, how can I make your day better. And I will do whatever you say because I value you and I want to be only with you. And before you will make your own decision to divorce, I will meet you in the morning with a smile and the question “ How can I make your day better?”

My wife was quiet, she could not look at my eyes. Next morning I did the same, and next morning, and next… Ann was answering a bit automatically. But in the middle of the second week, a miracle happened.

That day when I asked her my question, I noticed tears in her eyes. Now she took my hands in hers and started bitterly cry. I hugged her and calmed her down. When she was able to talk again she told me:

"Please, don’t ask me this question again. It is so difficult for me and painful because I know that the problem is not about you, it is about me. I know that I am a difficult person and it is not easy to be with me. I love and hate you at the same time because I make you suffer".
I did not answer, just hugged her once again. We were so close…I already forgot this amazing smell of her body. I felt that I still love her. I softly took her chin and looked at her eyes.
"I will continue to ask you the same question because I love you".
"It is me who have to ask this question every day. It is me who have to make your day better'"
"Sure, you have to, but not now. I want to transform myself. And I want you to know that you are a big value for me".
She put her head on my chest and told quietly:
"I am so sorry for my behavior, I was so selfish. I love you".
I continued asking the question more than one month. Our relationship completely changed: no arguing no scandals.
Then one day in the morning Ann asked me:
"How can I do for you? I want to become a better wife. How can I do it?"

It felt like the wall between us was destroyed. We started talking open and thoughtfully how we want to improve our relationship, how can we make each other happier. No, we have not solved all our problems, and sometimes we still argue. But it is not like it used to before, it is so seldom and there is no angry bad energy in it. We don’t want to wound each other anymore.

Dear Steemians, this story shows us a very important lesson. Everybody who is married or just love someone should ask the question “ How can I make your day better”. This is a real love. We don’t live in some fairy tale. In real life, love is not the intention to possess somebody, but a deep with to make your partner happier, even if sometimes it goes against your own wishes.
I can not tell that this method will help everybody. I just don’t know. I am not sure that every marriage should be saved. But for many people, and I am not an exception it works. It makes me happier.

Good luck, my friends and take care.


Only love.

мне кажется я где-то недавно читала это.... именно в этих словах и выражениях

Не знаю))Повествую от своего друга из России. Он занимается научной фантастикой и одновременно мойинструктор по кунг-фу)) Имена изменены по его просьбе. Не думаю, что этот метод оригинален и возможно заимствован. Для меня это не несет принципиального значения. Но спасибо за твой комментарий, я спрошу)))

вот ресурс твоего рассказа

там диалоги слово в слово. даже Ютуб видео есть с этой историей.

Точно не знала)))

значит парень соврамши

проверяй ключевые фразы в интернете на будущее. люди часто рассказывают чьи-то интеренетные истории, выдавая за свои собственные... особенно забавно, когда инструктор йоги рассказывает такое и якобы о себе... хотел показать какой он крутой и как умеет решать проблемы? ;)

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