To My Adoring Steemits: Does Finding Your True Soulmate Really Exist Or Is It Just A Storybook Fantasy

in #life6 years ago

Is there a chemical spark, a connection that you feel once you meet your soulmate. Does the matching of two souls crossing paths in life, engage on a cellular level of bliss. Do these fairy tales exist, stories of exhilarating enchanting true love, or do they end up in tragedy.

From an early age, most have gone through countless relationships, one night love affairs and crushes on a schoolmate. Falling in and out of love, usually being disappointed, ultimately believing that love sucks, doesn’t exist. Finding a soulmate becomes a rumor.

Most generalize a soulmate as someone who thinks similar to them, and will stick with them forever through thick and thin, without judgement. Their hearts and brains ticking on the same time clock.

There are certain misconceptions when it comes to soulmates, usually because of wishful thinking and idealism.

Soulmates Are Best Friends First

What they usually become are your best friends first, this before getting romantic, and then becoming sexual partners.

These deep connections can also exist with family members or friends, which are referred to as soul friends. Soulmates understand you, often better than you understand yourself, so they can empathize with you. 

Soulmates Are Mirror Reflections

What they know are your strengths, dreams, insecurities, and flaws, this to help you along as well as helping themselves to grow to their fullest potential.

You can rely on them to be completely level and honest with you, to the point of attacking your most sensitive feelings, only because they care about your welfare that much.

Soulmates Become Your Spiritual Catalysts

Although soulmates may not be able to complete you, what they do is push you to become the best version of yourself that you can possibly be.

The reason why they’re not willing to complete you, is because it’s your human obligation to fulfill your own potential, your responsibility to maximize yourself, not theirs.

Soulmates Teach You

What you share with soulmates are direct connection bonds, but more often, you share life lessons and experiences which are mutually contributed.

Since they completely understand you at your core level, soulmates become powerful confidants that you can trust, helping you through the tough times, inspiring you to do your best.

Soulmates Make Instant Connections

This from the very first instance that you've met each other. You gaze into each others eyes and they lock, and you know you’ve spent numerous past lives with them.

There’s an instant connection, as something between you just clicks, as though you’ve been best friends and known each other forever, getting deja-vu flashbacks.

Soulmates Vibrate On The Same Frequency

What you both give off is the same equal vibration, as all that’s needed is just a glance to understand what the other is thinking. Even looking at a photo can do this.

This goes beyond saying that your soulmate not only shares all your likes, tastes, dreams, and pursuits, but also shares all your deeper life values and beliefs. You both understand each other on a molecular DNA level.

Soulmates Offer Unconditional Love

You both love each other unconditionally without judgement, always supporting whatever each other does, whatever action is taken, while understanding completely.

Although it’s not always possible to be together at all times, there are never feelings of suspicion or a lack of trust. Despite how you both behave, the love can never become divided or denied.

Soulmates are rarely perfect, as they may have annoying flaws, strange quirks and habits, but that’s just surface dust as their core beauty shines deeply through.

Soulmates Can Be Difficult To Identify

Quite often, when first meeting each other, the spark might not always be there, the love at first glance may be vacant.

At first sight, that instant spontaneous chemistry may not always ignite, remaining dark when first discovering each other. Soulmates can also often appear in various disguises, or are currently involved with someone else.

Soulmates At Times Don’t Stay Together

Soulmates may not always remain with each other forever, which isn’t always that bad. We like to believe that they’ll be there until our lives expire, forever. This because it’s a secure sentimental thought. But life at times has different plans in store.

Life happens, people move on, people pass away. At times, soulmates will just be there for the season, but for the fortunate, are there for a lifetime. Regardless, enjoy the moments.

Why You Can't Find Your Soulmate

You may or may not have found your soulmate yet, or maybe you don’t have the capacity to find one in your lifetime. You know your exact state of time travel in your life, and maybe this journey this time, you’re destined to live it alone.

At times, life will make you wait for reasons you can’t comprehend, but it's for your own good. You may also feel, that you don't currently have the room to share your life with someone at the moment.

Maybe it’s meant for your soul to mature through the process, this by cultivating self-love this time around. That you would rather look internally in your life, instead of externally.

Or They May Be Right There

Some will journey through life not realizing the possibility, that they’ve already met their soulmate. They live their lives haphazardly, not realizing they’re overlooking “The One.”

What you continuously do is chase the divas, the rockstars, those beyond your  social "class." All the unrealistic idealists of what your true soulmate should be, blinded by the devil of someone you could never get.

So realize whether your soulmate may already be in your life right now, waiting for you to come to your senses.

Life is an unpredictable journey that we ultimately travel alone. We think that to become a functional human, we need to find a soulmate, start a family, earn a living, and then die happy. Life hardly works out as planned. 

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