Tips for you to be your own life coach

in #life6 years ago

1 Define all the objectives of your life so you know how to approach them

The first thing you should do is focus on what you really want to be and for that you must know what your goals are. Of all of them, there is one that you want to achieve, but of course there are many others that are in the background.


2 Analyze the difficulties that may arise

Search and find the solution to your problems can seem very romantic and idyllic. Surely your mind is already showing you images of what will happen when you have achieved it. But to achieve personal or professional success, we must study the possible difficulties that may arise along the way.

see you later, friends

This may not be very poetic, but it is much more sitting than imagining a happy ending of a fairy tale without knowing how to reach your goal. The magic will arise after fighting with the odd dragon.

3 Find your emotional state

Since you know your goals and your difficulties, how do you feel about it? Now it's time for you to define how you are, what your emotions, feelings and mood are. Think coldly, you can not be happy overnight if you do not know what moves you internally.

4 Define how you are going to control your emotions

This is the key to the success of a Coaching process. You are pure emotion. Whatever you say, whatever you do, your emotion dominates your inner game.

For example: If you are looking to lose weight you can not have anger if you go to the gym and as if by magic lose pounds. You must work to eliminate that emotion from your mind, because it is the cause that you always make excuses.

5 Plan 3 times of the year in which you will review your action plan

Finally, you must create three moment specific moments to check if you are fulfilling your objectives and if you keep going for all, remember that there are always a lot of excuses.

The best advice we give you is to determine key dates that may be relevant to you. Your birthday, holidays and a change of season can be good times

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