The Avengers : Infiniti War Trailer Analysis and Anti-forecasting Part I

in #life7 years ago (edited)

More than 20 movies and a prelude to the final war, which will put an end to the ten-year journey. This is the first analysis of the newly released Infiniti War trailer.


It is no exaggeration to say that Marvel has had its runaway success since 2008, and that's why it's the moment. The film, which is set to be fought over Infiniti Stone by all of the heroes and villains of the movie, Tanos, has so far been introduced, is the top draw in 2018. Then let's break down the first released Infiniti War teaser trailer and analyze it.
There may be a temporary spoiler from Infiniti War.

Opening mono


There was a plan : to bring together and to become more than just extraordinary people.
So that people can fight when they need us. An impossible battle

The trailer begins with the reading of the above lines as many Avengers members rotate. In fact, this ambassador was one of the ones that Nick Purey introduced to The Avengers in The Avengers. The ambassador's magnificent music and the presence of a few alverners resulted in the opening of the trailer which gave him the feeling of being ' truly over. ' Most trailers, although so, have successfully delivered the concept of the end that I have never felt in any other Marvel film. And check out our opening credits immediately behind you, which are the new, grand arrangement of the Avengers OST. There are several scenes that pass as this narration is coming out. The scene that I'm going to focus on is the one on the left. Tony is in despair. I'm not sure where that is, but I'm sure it's the climax battle. Focus here on what Tony sees with his left hand. At first glance it looks like Tony's hand, but when you look closely, you can imagine it could be someone else's. You might think that Infiniti Wars is dealing with the deaths of some of the Evenzers, and that it's a famous fact, that Tony is frustrated with someone who's fallen.

The End of Powerston Nova Cops

Basically, the main story of Infiniti War is about Tanos taking Infiniti Stone from them one by one. And when you count what the trailer revealed, Tanos is certain to have a Powerstone (purple) and Spacestone (blue) in hand. goOoh.First appearing in the form of the term of the ' of the over ', Gallestone was the leading tool in the film. At the end of the film, it's left to the hands of Nova Corps on planet Zandar, which is about the same as the Space Police. But Tanos Infiniti Guntlett, who crossed the portal, already has Powerstone. So, in some way, Nova Cobbs and Zandar grew fat. The news might have come to the Gardens of the Galaxy and met Thor on their way. Perhaps Tanos will become the first Infiniti Stone to reach.


Also, the red planet in the picture above looks like the planet Zandar after the invasion. You can see two bright planets from the planet Zandar, and you can see that Tony had a color similar to that of despair in his picture, and it wasn't until he was invaded. So here's a question. Will the last battle take place in Zandar? Not for now. But you can see they have similar backgrounds. My prediction is that the prototype machine that's shown above New York is not just the portal, it's the terraforming machine. As you can see in Man of Steel, it's destroying nearby ground and buildings, devastating the planet. You can actually see the buildings around the prototype machine being destroyed at the trailer. It is not possible to determine this, but one can imagine that the machine is not just a portal. It also explains that the last battle with Planet Zandar has a similar background.

The End of Spaceston Asgard
The Infiniti Stone Tanos gets their second hand on will be Space Stone. In the picture above, it was just a tesserect that Rocky was holding. This part is directly connected to the cookie image of Thor : Ragnarok. It's a huge fleet of Saint-Tures II, Tanos that is blocking Asgard ships going to Earth. Thor will be thrown into space in the process, and Rocky might be willing to make a deal with Tanos via Spacestone, taken from Odin's vault. I'll give you what you want, so don't hurt the Asgard. Or maybe this is what they want to make up for the Earth's failure in the first flight. Now, I don't think it would be good to see the bodies of the Asgards in the photos above, but I do think it's going to be a good idea to the Loki or the Asgards, and anyway, it's going to be the Infiniti Stone 2. Valkyrie of Tessa Thompson is also expected to escape anyway as it is also expected to be from the Avengers 4, and the path of the Hulk will be most important. Let's take a closer look at this later.
Now, if you look at the picture above, you can see that someone is walking through the bodies of the Asgards. You can think of someone as Rocky, but if you look closely, maybe not. One of Tanos's most likely men is one of his immediate sub- beullaekonI that is a member of the black order. With a total of 4 members, it can be inferred that Ebonimo would move with Tanos by predicting the next route. And that's what Ebonimo, 99 percent of the time, is, you can see, if you go deeper and look at the crease in pants and the design of the shoes, anyway. Also, the black order appears to be able to have direct contact and have an Infiniti Stone, so remember, they may also attack Tanos and Infiniti Stone separately

Team 1 : Defense against Timestones in New York
Due to the nature of this film, in which all the heroes appear, you can't put all of it into one scene. So, for the convenience of plots, heroes in this film are likely to be divided into two to three teams at most. The first team is the four who will defend Timestone in New York. Tony Stark, Dr. Strange, Wong, and Spider-Man. As you can see in the picture above, the Hulk will crash into Santham, New York. We don't know why it came through the portal, whether it was called in by Dr.Strange. or Thor, but we'll go to Wakanda soon. Tony appears to have gone to Dr. Strange to deal with Infiniti Stone and his impending disaster or to get some help. What's interesting here is the shiny cell phone that Tony has in his hand in the top right picture.
Next is Spiderman. What's important to note here is Peter's Spider Sense. Spider Sense is a kind of animal sense that Peter senses danger. The trailer shows the hair on your arm getting prickly. Sensing a danger, Peter puts on an iron spider suit and steps into a circular machine. This iron spider suit is the suit Tony was about to give to Peter at the end of his homecoming. However, Peter refuses to stay " kind " as a Spiderman, a neighbor. I think I'm finally going to wear Iron Spider-Man suit to fight. And you can also see the prototype machine a little closer. Inside, you can see a cog or something, and it is unlikely to be destroyed easily.

This is a scene that seems to be right on New York street, right after the prototype machine appears. It looks like Tony, Hulk, and Dr. Strange met in Sanctum, New York, and Peter sensed danger in a scene that was just the timing. Given Dr. Bruce Banner in the picture above, Dr. Strange is likely to send him to Wakanda to warn others when the attacks begin. And it's Tony's new arc reactor -- he had his arc reactor removed from Iron Man 3 -- why would he have to have one?My guess is a new suit is coming out of that arc reactor. There have been hints about turning into gloves and so forth at Siville War. I think this is the last king. Many Comics fans have hoped for the arrival of the ' bleeding edge ' armour. The bleed edges, the suit that exists in Tony's blood and turns it into a suit when needed, perhaps, would appear in an Infiniti Walk. I'm not sure how to wear it, but I guess it's probably built around the body or around an arc reactor, like a black panther suit.

In time you will know what defeat is. You want to believe you're right because you're desperate. Be afraid. Run away. Fate is unstoppable. Balancing the universe is never fun. But this ... makes me smile. - Tanos

And that's the battle of the Avengers versus Tanos, seen as an action scene that followed Tony's first despair. Can you see the similarities between these scenes? The action scenes in this background do not have all of the characters that will appear in Wakanda beyond the Hulk, Captain, Black Widow or Black Pancher. Previous video released by Comic-Con showed Gardiens and Thor fighting Tanos in the background, but the others did not. So this is probably going to be fought in New York or anywhere beyond the portal, and it would have nothing to do with Wakanda. Tanos is so powerful (in the comic cone teaser, some of them are being thrown out by the Moon's debris, meteor, etc.).It looks like he's going to go up against the Avengers, which he's defending New York, and use a tactic to attack them with a focus on Wakanda. From Spider-Man who can beat to the ground without looking analytically and Iron Man who can fall with a fist, you can guess Tanos's formidable power.


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