Get Rid of Self-Limiting Beliefs

in #life3 years ago

You can't succeed unless you get rid of self-limiting beliefs. Self-limiting beliefs are those things that tell you that you can't do something. It could be anything from, "I can't manage my finances" to "I don't have the smarts to start a business." Getting rid of self-limiting beliefs is the first step to success.

For example, if you're afraid that you will fail in sales because of your inexperience, you must get rid of these self-limiting beliefs. Tell yourself that you know how to become successful in sales and that you have overcome your struggles in the past. Create new beliefs that will help you overcome these fears of failure. For example, instead of thinking that you don't have the skills necessary to develop new technologies or that you don't have the smarts to create new technologies, tell yourself that you've overcome your struggles and have now learned how to use these tools. Replace "old technology" with "new technology." Or replace "upside down" technology with "upward-facing technology."

In the book "The No Excuses," author Norm Ornstein discusses the importance of setting goals and then uses smart thinking to get rid of the fear of failure. He explains how you can cure this negative habit of holding yourself back by replacing the limiting beliefs with new ones. Ornstein also refers to this as self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis is a great way to cure your limiting beliefs because it gets rid of all the self-consciousness you have about being smart enough to achieve your goals.

Another effective way to clear the path to success is to use the power of positive confirmation. Ornstein explains that our minds tend to build in beliefs that protect us from being hurt and injured. The belief system is also likely impacted by other factors such as our personality type, our cognitive outlook or our culture. These factors can all work against us if we are trying to overcome our self-limiting beliefs. If we want to get rid of these three major obstacles, we have to take the proper steps to get rid of them.

One way to change the way we think is to replace our old beliefs with empowering beliefs. We can do this by re-educating ourselves about what makes us tick. For instance, instead of saying I don't have enough motivation to do this, we can say I'm passionate about this. We can say I'm a go-getter who is willing to follow my heart instead of saying I am afraid of losing control. By changing the way we talk about our ability to do something, we set ourselves free.

Another way to conquer our self-limiting beliefs is to do one thing: take on more tasks than you typically do. If you typically have three things going on in your head at once, try dividing those tasks into smaller, more manageable projects. This will keep you focused on the important things. Also, when you complete one project, write down why you did it and what you plan to do the next day. Writing things down is a great form of visualization because it gives you something tangible to work towards.

By taking the time to list the reasons we did something, it gives us a concrete plan to work towards. One of the biggest reasons that we have self-limiting beliefs is that we feel trapped by the beliefs we have. By listing the reason we did something in your mind, you allow yourself to be liberated by not letting go of that particular belief.

If you need help figuring out how to let go of a limiting belief, you can get it. There are great self-help books that help you do just that. Also, there are therapists who specialize in helping people to overcome their self-limiting beliefs. Keep in mind that everyone has different goals and that sometimes we don't want to be in the same place with someone else. With that being said, if you are struggling to overcome your limiting beliefs, you don't have to stay stuck in them forever. Just figure out a way for yourself to get past them so you can live a better life.


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