Progression not Perfection

in #life7 years ago (edited)

This journey we call life is an interesting one to say the least.

Some people's journeys last longer than others, but one of the things that we all share is we all were born and we all die.

It is what we do between those two points that makes us different from one another.


We map it out in our heads from as young as we can remember. We have this picture, this vision of what we want our life to be.

Then we start living by experiencing the world, learning new things, and meeting new people.

All moving towards this vision, this goal we have our our lives.

But it seems like sometimes we get stuck on the way.

We create this maze around us.


Same family and friends. Same routines. Same environments. Same interactions.

It stops us from making mistakes and from being identified as not perfect.

For what ever reason among this current and these past few generations, the quest for perfection is a strong force in lives across the world.

If we are perfect, have a perfect job, perfect house, and perfect friends and family then we have a perfect life, right?

And it can look that way from inside a maze. That's the tough part about a maze. It alters your perception of your reality. Sometimes so much so you end up going around the maze never progressing forward.

But the best part about a maze is once you are out of it, you are free.


Free to move in whatever direction, whatever path you want.

So let's change our mindsets form achieving perfection to achieving progression.

Progression every day moves your one day closer to achieving your life dreams and goals.

Why stay in the maze one moment longer?

Time to break out and listen to your gut instinct.

Have faith in yourself and start progressing.

Progressing towards what you are passionate about, your life goals and dreams.

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Because once you escape the maze and start progressing, momentum takes over and you start achieving things in rapid succession all leveling you up on the path to achieving your life purpose.

As humans, let's start progressing; inspiring real, positive change.

As you can sense, there is a huge shift happening on this planet we call home.

What better time to make a shift in yourself, your mindset.

Time to start achieving your life goals and dreams.

Time for

Progression not perfection.


Thank you as always for your time, support, and attention. It means the world to me.

Image Sources:

God bless




Do you mean that the journey is more important than the final goal? Hard to remember when I am fighting my way out of the maze. Take care my friend. 🐓🐓

From my experience, you just want to make sure you don't lose yourself (your moral compass, code) to achieve that final goal.

And enjoy the journey for what it is worth, good or bad, and try not to be too hard on yourself along the way.

Eventually you break out and everything you did up to that point makes sense.

Wish you the best my friend.

God bless.


What moral compass code? No body has those any more do they! Lol Not on the news Be well my friend. 🐓🐓

We only live once in a life time @chiefmappster and I realized after reading your post that I must do my best in order to achieve what I want. Thank you for your food of wisdom.


Wow amennnnn buddy.

You're very welcome, glad to help out :)

God bless


good post

Thank you :)

God bless.


God always takes the simplest way.

- Albert Einstein

Amennnnnnn :)

God bless.


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