The Pursuit For Happiness.

in #life6 years ago (edited)


Happiness, as we know it, is neither here nor there. It is undefined. It is not directed. One can't give a concrete guide on how to be happy--like, you can't say if you do this and that, you will be happy. For everyone, happiness means different things.

But there is, however, one certainty: everyone wants to be happy. Everyone wants to feel that great rush of hormones swirling inside of them like a whirlwind. The need for happiness can never be overemphasized.

There is then that little problem or disagreement on whether people should(or shouldn't) pursue happiness.

The pursuit for happiness has been a great part of the human nature right from the beginning of time. We have continously sought to make life easy for ourselves. For this, man has explored technology, all to make life easy and ultimately bring about happiness. But not all has gone as planned.

Should we pursue happiness or not?

There are those who believe we should. Those who believe that happiness must be ran after, caught up with, and cuddled as long as it lasts.

It is believed that one must make efforts towards being happy. Conscious efforts like maintaining good physical relationships. And, as well, do the things that make them happy.

In 2013, Britt Reints wrote: "The problem with the 'if you want to be happy, stop looking for happiness' message, is that it makes people who already feel like something is wrong with them feel even more wrong. And, worst of all, it tells them not to do the work that could actually make them happier."

Reints believes that happiness should be pursued and rightly so from her views.

Then there are those who frown at efforts consciously made to attain happiness. One of the reasons given suggests that when people pursue or search for happiness, they, often time, do it in all the wrong places.

Another reason stated suggests that the pursuit for happiness makes one ignore other people, thereby making them lonely and less happy. More can be read in this article by Frank Martela.

I don't belong to either side of the divide. I don't believe anyone has the right to suggest how other people find happiness. I believe that everyone should stick to whatever works for them. If pursuing happiness makes you happy, then do so. If staying away from the pursuit makes you happy, then stay away.

All I'm saying is: everyone should be happy because we all deserve it.



You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

I don't belive anyone has the right to suggest how other people find happiness.
It should be believe instead of belive.

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Happiness is a very important aspect of a human life. I believe it have to do with contendment. Thank you for sharing @chidiarua!!

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