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RE: Finally The Answer To Life, The Universe, & Everything | Must Read!!

in #life7 years ago

Your logic is shame let me explain why .If you born live die and you think that u can compare yourself to God i think that u are an athesit or idot.Look closly to your body how perfect it's build and to say that point of life is that God needs this and that let me tell you that God don't need to compare himself to nobady cuz he is the greatest.I will give you an example what is the point of life :
You did not earn the privilege to be in earth that was a gift from God to you me and other 7 bilion humans in earth.If you help someone is a good thing but is not a point a direction in life let me explain why? If you are on a train and you are going to collage and in your way you give your seat to an old women that is a help but that is not your point your point is collage .So for you me an other 7 billion humans helping others is good thing but not the point of life the point of life is to use our time here to win the afterlife paradise or (jannah in arabic langauge).Eternity


Thats a beautiful reply. I dont agree totally but thank you for sharing!

Chelsea, I am sensitive to the fact that we have different opinions about G-d and who G-d is and who we are. Because of that I didn't mention his name, to try to avoid upsetting anyone. In my religion for example, we shouldn't even really write or type G-d's name in full!

Why we shouldn't write God? If you say the truth no matter what you should speak even if somebody will be upset.I could say to somebody pace bro and somone who hate that person can be upsett i don't care why he is upsett.I think that we are obligated to say the truth.

well the reason is that some in the Jewish tradition believe the following:

"We do not write G‑d's name in a place where it may be discarded or erased. Treating G‑d's name with reverence is a way to give respect to G‑d. So even though on a computer the name is not really being erased (and perhaps is not really there in the first place), and "G‑d" is only an English term used to translate G‑d's holy name, it is in keeping with this respect that I write "G‑d" in my emails and on-line articles."

(Source :

So you are saying that u respect God so u don't write his name in places who can be erased can u give me an answer about this . If you say that u respect God more than us why did u break the "Sabbath" look what God says about that in Quran 2:62. Those who believe, and those who are
Jewish, and the Christians, and the Sabeans—any
who believe in God and the Last
Day, and act righteously—will have their
reward with their Lord—they have nothing
to fear, nor will they grieve.
63 . And recall when We received a pledge
from you, and raised the Mount above
you: “Take what We have given you earnestly,
and remember what is in it, that
you may attain righteousness.”
64 . But after that you turned away. Were it
not for God’s grace and mercy towards
you, you would have been among the losers.

65 . And you surely knew those of you who
violated the Sabbath. We said to them, “Be
despicable apes!”
66 . Thus We made it a deterrent for their
generation, and for subsequent generations,
and a lesson for the righteous.

oh my g-d
lets not talk
i never said i respect g-d more than you!?

i dont want to discuss this with you anymore . im sorry this doesn't feel right now.

im afraid im not a religious person. I am deeply spiritual. SO i m afraid i dont even know what you are talking about. Save your energies please and read something that inspires you. I wasnt comparing us at all when i made that comment about not writing G-d it was just a seperate point.

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