The Post Monday Woes & Recent Photography

in #life7 years ago


So I come a day late to share with you all my post- Monday woes. They seem(ed) especially bad as I have recently been ill & still am.
I have experienced on & off again fever, on & off again swollen nodes, headache, and today a start of some pink eye like behavior in my right eye. Ugh. Not to mention some shingle like behavior in my lower back!! =(
This has all been developing since last Monday the 13th.
So anyway, I don't necessarily buy into the idea that Monday has to suck simply because it is Monday. I think it is just another day. But, yesterday was simply unsurpassed in terms of Monday-"ness"

FIRST - I woke up late, had to rush to get to work on time, on top of not feeling the best.

SECOND - I had an, unrelated to my recent illness, doctor appointment that I could've swore was at 450pm. Nope it was at 350pm. Amazing how one hour can f*ck up SO much. Graciously, a patient of mine agreed to be seen during lunch to help me be able to leave work in time. Work is about 45 minutes from the doctor.

THIRD - get to the doctor find out some bs news that my new health insurance is $100 for a specialist visit. I was accustomed to half that for a specialist. Everyone there thought that was strange so decided to run it through the insurance and not charge me. That was nice.

FOURTH - I am like legit about to run out of gas. Make it to a station for "giant only" members. Giant is a local grocery store here. I didn't even realize that I was at a Giant station, I simply needed gas. The pump wouldn't take my $$ because I wasn't a giant member. I went up to the clerk who started to give me a difficult time. I was like, "I'm gonna have to stop you right there. I am OUT of gas, you sell gas, I need gas. " He then runs my card. Idiot <_<

FIFTH - I go with my new insurance to get my damn meds. CVS Pharmacy tells me they don't take it. My new insurance is from my new job I started back in mid-September. This is my first time using the insurance I pay for...It is United Health Care, a pretty prominent insurer too by the way. So, I was like, "no way...." The pharmacy person was being rude about it too. I told her that her info had to be incorrect as CVS is one of the largest pharmacies and my insurance was prominent. She told me some story about how my UHC is under a "subsidery" that doesn't "take cvs." Likely story. So I went to rite aid instead who has no file on me and dealt with that for another 45 minutes.


Anyway, lets back up some. Over the weekend, I thought I felt better and helped with some much needed needed yard work. That was Sunday.

It was kind of fun and I got some neat photos while I was working:



I really liked this cool bug wing I found:

Unforunately, Sunday had a little bit of a Monday attitude because when cleaning off the lawnmower, I brushed my forearm right against the sizzling motor. >_<

The above pic is what it looks like today, two days later. Since it does appear it could open due to some light blistering noted, to protect from infection, I've been keeping it intermittently covered, like so:

And, I have been using this homeopathic cream in light quantity as needed for pain:

Sunday was a mostly good day, other than the burrnnn. Sunday was preceeded by a run Saturday that went poorly because I should've probably been resting, though again, I did get some neat photos...

The first one here is a Canadian Squirrel. These ones aren't as common in this area as the grey squirrel is and always are uncooperative with my efforts to take pictures of them. Little jerks. Lol. As you can see, he (or she) was determined for me not to get the greatest shot.

I also saw this epic nest. Unfortunately, I bet it has been sprayed with pesticide as it is close to a residential area. But, I do not know for sure if it was nor was I going to find out!

So that's been my past few days. I had to call out of work today for, what I am hoping would be obvious reasons if you have been reading this. ;-)

Here is a couple more cool photos. I took the leaf photo Saturday and the red flowers I saw at work yesterday and really liked them.


The header photo is also flowers I took pics of at work yesterday. I did so ninja-style (quickly) while a patient was in the bathroom. So that will about wrap up my past few days. Hope you all have been doing better than me. Comments always welcome!! Love you guys. Steemit is awesome!!

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~ Namaste~


Eye soothing refferences...... upvoted

Hope you're feeling better. I feel the same about health coverage. Have you heard of friendly societies?
That nest is huge! The Bug wing reminds me of stained glass windows.

The bug wing...I can totally see that.
I strongly dislike health insurance & the healthcare "industry" at large. Which is funny because I got into it with my physical therapy degree thinking, oh What a difference I will make, which i do honestly but it's still a problem. It shouldn't even be called an "industry". I like the idea of friendly societies. Wish it was more prominent.

I've learned a lot from physical therapists over the years. To be honest I'm not sure I'd have the patience for that day in and day out. You guys do make a huge difference. For health coverage, it would be nice to try something new. Having healthy hobbies is a pretty good preventive measure and something worth while. I had a week similar to this one not too long ago. I got stung by a wasp that week and bit by a spider after recovering from a cold.

Ugh that's definitely not fun. Yeah right now it seems I will stick with the coverage that I have (Not much of a choice lol)
Thanks for your comment on my work. That means a lot

Oh my goodness young lady! You’ve had a rough few days. Here’s hoping all the bad things are out of the way and good things lie ahead. {hugs}

Thank you :)

Upvoted, nice)

Thanks for the support.

That burn looks bad :( Hope it heals quickly. And I hope you feel better soon.
The photos are lovely. I especially love those red flowers. WOW those are bright♥

Thanks I seem to be largely on the mend right now!

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