The Misconception about Being "Broke" + Cheery Nihilism + Philosophical Ponderings

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Chances are you think you're "broke."
Or you've at least thought it before.
Being broke does NOT mean you don't have the money for that Gucci bag or the vacay of your dreams.
It usually simply means you've paid your BILLS and have no extra money for that Gucci bag.
When you're truly broke you've got no roof over your head.
When you're truly broke you've got zero assets.

What's an asset?

  • car/ transportation access
  • any valuables
  • cryptocurrency
  • shelter
  • food, clean water

There's also emotional assets:

  • Do you have friends, family, a significant other?
  • Are any of thosepeople there for you?

If yes to any of the assets I've listed you're not broke!

Many take significant others and true friends for granted. When you got somebody who really loves you & accepts your flaws and all, you're blessed.

This life guarantees you nothing. Be thankful for whatcha got. I learned in 2003 young life can be ripped right from you. I'll never get over it.

Hit me again in 2014, 2016, & 2017.

I often wonder... why?? Why are they gone and me here? Who knows. I'm gonna keep trying to try.

TLDR: Most people aren't actually broke. Be kind. You don't know the pain behind another's eyes. Judge less.
footer graphic artistic collab between myself and @freebeerfridays


Give your hand to a broken one, this makes yourself unbreakable and unsurpassable.

This is an interesting philosophy, There is always a silver lining if we just look a little closer.

True! Gotta look closer

Amen to this, it is actually something we were just talking about ....we don't know the struggles of others and the fact some bitch about a luxury item while over 20,000 children die every day from dirty water, lack of food etc....blows my mind, perhaps is why I just get more and more Hermetic
great post @chelsea88

Thanks for the comment @battleaxe. And how true your words are friend

Great post, wise words, and well spoken 👍🏽👍🏽

Thanks for reading. Came from the heart

Hmmm, so good. It's important to be thankful for the things we have. I think oftentimes it's easier to look at the things we don't have, or the things that we've lost than to be thankful for the things we have. It's like having 100 coins and dropping one down the sewer drain. Rather than lamenting that we lost one, we should be thankful we still have 99 more. I'm not perfect at this, but I'm working on it.

I'm sorry to hear that you've experienced such deep losses, some very close together. It's hard to keep your head up after that, so I know that when you talk about the value of friends and family that you know how meaningful it is to have them in your life. Thanks for being vulnerable and encouraging us to appreciate the things (and more importantly, people) that we have in our lives.

You bring up a great point here about lamenting the past. Gotta live in the now not in the past or future , otherwise we are cheating ourselves

A great reminder @chelsea88. I would also include physical and mental health, some form of education / any skill-set, and a positive attitude towards things among our assets. Thanks for sharing these truths!

I think those are definitely assets!

Always a good reminder to be grateful for what you have. To have dreams about the future is just an incredible asset which requires both prospects and imagination. When I consider myself broke, I always try to give a thought to those who don’t have a roof over their heads.

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