Obligation & The NOW Mentality

in #life7 years ago

Obligation for the most part has strong ties in with the feelings of fear & guilt. Why do people "feel obliged" in the first place?

That's because they'd "feel guilty" if they didn't do that, or attend this, or be here at a specific time. You can consider this as scripted, prompted, almost hive-like behavior. This is how it is, end of story

What I just described is the NOW mentality that, one could argue, has always existed but for sure is more prominent in modern society. Everything must be done NOW, am I right?? Hurry up and wait too while you are at it!

(google image, credits to HealthyPlace.com)

This rigid, fast paced society we are living in is bad news people. It has & is causing unparalled levels of stress, anxiety, cancer from decreased immunity, heart attacks, & more. It is just plain sad! We weren't meant to live like this.

Certainly the rise in technology which caters to the insta- gratification "need" in all of us and the fear mongering media doesn't help. Not to mention, our own agenda driven family & friends.

How often have you stopped to think that if you just "cooled it" for an evening instead of obligatory engaging in constant & pressured "go, go, go" how much peace you might get? Peace & much needed rest too I might add? A lot is an understatement.

One could argue I am merely describing an introverted soul. But, I don't think I am too far off base with this one. Steemians, what do you think? Also, thank you, as always for visiting my blog.
~ Namaste



Yeah... you touched something, there; one of my topics I tend to "go off" on.

People seem so afraid that they will somehow "miss" something if they are not in a perpetual state of motion, always DOING something. I've spent years getting back to feeling comfortable with imply BEing. And it is (as I said in a quick post the other night) the truth of the human condition that most people are more at home as Human DO-ings and Human HAVE-ings than simply Human BE-ings.

I got off that hamster wheel... but it's suprisingly challenging because we live in a world that is not oriented to BE-ing. You are immediately thought a slacker and underschiever if you prefer sitting around to being in perpetual motion.

I should start migrating some of my HSP essays over here (I have said that before, I know...!) since HSPs are particularly good at just being and contemplating existence.

You truly hit the nail on the head here in terms of what I was trying to convey. Great response and I would really enjoy reading your HSP essays, as I am sure would others.

I look to my obligations for moral guidance. I am probably in a small percentage here. I also undo my tech for at least 24 hours a week. At a tech professional, I see the negative effects. Oaths and promises are a little different than obligations also, an oath can not be broken for example. A promise involves another person always. An obligation is a promise made to one's self and as such it must be weighed or considered but is not a thing that can be broken as a promise, or even unbroken, as an oath. Example: I did not respond to an Email invite to a gala (Ice sculpture, live band, ballroom dancing, steak, lobster, open bar, tuxedo) that I usually attend. I received a phone call from a brother with a more serious obligation. He asked if I could attend, so I said yes because I carried his obligation in 2013. If now consider myself obligated to go and part (Hard Life innit?!?!). He was concerned about selling the event and more importantly being represents. I am obligated to have that chair filled, and to pay the 250 or 67.50 or whatever. My question to you: Are you speaking of promise, oath, vow, contract, or obligation?

The response by @denmarkguy is what I was essentially trying to convey. I'm not saying we should simply shirk responsibilities. What you conveyed in your response is more regarding moral and ethical responsibilities. Example: I am responsible to be a good sibling. Does that mean I should allow my sibling to take advantage of me in any way? No. Should I allow myself to never stop, go go go? No. I should rest if I need it. If my sister is going into labor, regardless of me "needing rest" , as her sibling I would be responsible to go.

Please give E. Tolle's capitalist NOWISM a wee smack in the pineal gland for me:D

Of course! :)

It all starts at home and it can stick with you for life. A big portion of where my anxiety started and you bring out a good point. Resteeming.

Thanks Miriam. Hope you are well.

Hanging in there

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