Death: The Common Denominator, Farewell Hugo!

in #life5 years ago

I haven't been on Steemit for a few days because I have been dealing with primarily two negative & traumatic issues. I will be posting about both but will start with this one. Yes, death is the common denominator amongst humans and our furry friends. Many of you know about 8 months ago I adopted a special needs kitty that was injured in Hurricane Florence & lost his eye.
I knew he had brain damage and other issues more than just his eye. I knew he wouldn't have a long life span but never would've guessed he would pass a mere 8 months later. We've been battling fleas here that were brought in by this little escape artist....
In the last few weeks of his life, Hugo battled fleas but seemed to be improving from a homeopathic collar I purchased and other remedies. But, then he seemed to be getting worse again. He started eating less, moving less, and lost bladder control. I do not know for sure but feel strongly he probably had a tumor pressing on his bladder. He would literally lay in his urine as well, seemingly not knowing he'd urinated. It could've also been brain damage from whatever had lodged in his eye from the hurricane. Regardless, my smart boy Orangey knew something was up and would not leave Hugo's side.
Even though it was a tight fit....
Hugo died in his sleep between 5-7am Monday July 8th. I'm glad he didn't die alone and his buddy was there with him even after he passed over just didn't understand why he wouldn't move. ☹
Hugo's memorial service was held rather promptly with my mother and myself in attendance. He rests peacefully, and I hope he's living it up behind those pearly gates with both eyes and a healthy body. He did enjoy eating so that is why I put a flying pig as his gravestone.
I choose to remember him in his prime when he was biting my blanket and snuggling on my bed.
And, annoying the very cat that stayed with him until the end.
Life is short people. I've lost friends and pets. Life is even shorter for our pets. Love them while you can.


awww... that was heartbreaking to read!

But it's also comforting to know how Orangey kept him company for his passing.

I'm sorry for your loss @chelsea88!

It was hard to write but also therapeutic at the same time. Thanks for your condolences!

So sorry for your Loss and how Sweet Orangey was so supportive to him

Thanks for this great post and being an active member of @steemusa !tip

Thanks it's been a tough week. Animals are like your little sidekicks that are non judgemental and won't abuse to you emotionally.

Yes indeed, and we form such a bond with them


{{{Hugs back}}}

So sorry for this loss! Every moment is special. Cats spend most of them sleeping. Cope the best you can.

Posted using Partiko Android

This is true. I think I read it's 16-18 hours a day. Im coping as best i can

I'm so sorry, Chelsea! @chelsea88 I remember when you got him up North. I am so sad for you and little orangey because that was his buddy.

May he rest in peace.

Thanks for being a great member of SteemUSA!


Thanks for your condolences

Hi Chelsea this is so sad, i love that you took him in and cared for him your loss is hurtfull i wish you strenght

Thank you very much. It was and is hurtful but im doing my best.

We catlovers are here for you and in the catdiscord offcourse

heartbreaking, indeed... blessings!

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So sorry for your loss. I mentioned cats a few minutes ago...

When I was last with my parents, they had four cats.
Two were actually theirs... Victoria and Gabriel (who was three-legged, having lost a few of his nine lives as a kitten..)
One belonged to my brother... Aliels.
The fourth actually belonged to the neighbor, but had adopted my mother... Callie.

Last year, Gabriel was the first to go, age 15.
Shortly thereafter my sons lost the cat that I had got them when they were babies. She was 19.
This year, Victoria (16) died only a week or two ahead of Callie.
And right now, Aliels is losing her battle as well. Both Callie and Aliels were aged as well, though exact ages are unknown.

So, yeah... It's been a rough ride.

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