Anxiety Affects and Can Kill our Success

in #life7 years ago (edited)


I think the above meme demonstrates an anxious mind. Is it okay to have lots of ideas and keep your mind busy?

The problem occurs when one becomes overly consumed by the future. That's what anxiety actually is - fear of the future, catastrophizing, expecting the worse. Anxiety lives in the future leaving you less grounded. Your time is spent concerning yourself with the plethora of what ifs. Which makes it hard to see where you are now!


Success isn't always easily seen or recognized by yourself or others. What you see as a lack of success others may find you are not giving yourself enough credit. That's what happens to me anyway. That's why I like the "carrot" meme. You have got to lay the groundwork for success. It may not show right away but as long as you have the ball rolling, you are going in the right direction.

Some people like to build up the illusion that they are successful with fancy cars and things they can't actually afford. Maybe they are actually wealthy enough for those things; if so, good for them; if not, I pity the time when they go bankrupt from living outside their means.
Living a simple, seemingly inocuous life often makes one the happiest. Having all the "fancy" things can just lead to added stress. Besides, "you can't take it with you when you go" as they say.


Unweighting yourself of unnecessary expenditures is one of the smartest things one can do. And leads to increased productivity, frees up your mind space, improves your quality of life.
If the answer is yes, then don't get it!! My point is dragging on extra expenses increases anxiety, leads to negative futuristic thinking (i.e. how am I going to pay for that...) It simply takes up too much mental space that you could be putting to good work elsewhere in your life.

Another point here is letting what others think of you invoke unnessary anxiety.


If others are invoking anxiety in you, you need to find ways to avoid them to protect your energy!


In conclusion:

  • anxiety lives in the future and can make you less grounded
  • your success may be slow and not noticed at first
  • don't create the illusion of success by living outside your means
    -if you can live without it don't get it. If you worry about how you're going to pay for it don't buy it
  • unweight yourself by not succumbing to illusionary success
  • don't let others invoke anxiety in you. Don't worry about what they think. Protect your energy

I think the band 21 pilots song "Doubt " exemplifies what I'm trying to say here:
"Scared of my own image, scared of my own immaturity,
Scared of my own ceiling, scared I'll die of uncertainty,
Fear might be the death of me, fear leads to anxiety "

Image source 1: dailyvibes
Image source 2: google image
Image source 3: psychology & human development
Image source 4: body positive
Image source 5: google image

Lyrics source:

Thanks for reading! As always, full STEEM ahead!


It is dangerous to be anxious in our dealings.
Great content @chelsea88
This is very informative.

.. Thanks for sharing and pls do stay in touch.

Yes that's a good way of putting it @mcekworo as others can detect our anxiety and perceive we are not confident. Thanks for stopping by and for the read!

You're welcome

As with depression and other forms of anxiety disorder, a generalized anxiety disorder is partially hereditary. You may therefore have a greater risk of developing generalized anxiety disorder if present in your family.
In addition, people in a weaker economic situation are more likely to develop generalized anxiety disorder. On the other hand, the experience of a traumatic or upsetting event may increase the risk of a generalized anxiety disorder. If you react anxiously to this situation, the risk is high that a generalized anxiety disorder develops
thanks for your great post , i follow you

You're absolutely right. GAD is often inherited.
Mine stems from PTSD (which you also pointed out). But a lot of my GAD traits I noticed in both parents, so thanks mom and dad
Lol. Good post! Gonna follow you too, I like the way you think.

Anxiety is complicated because it even affects our work.

Very true. It affects everything really

This is a very inspirational and practical post. I agree with the anxiety being in the future, that is a great point. Planning for the future and fearing the future are two different things for sure. I live the carrot meme. I'm the rabbit on the left, lol. Success isn't a destination, it is a lifestyle. Great post! Thank you very much for writing and for being a great follower.

Thanks for reading this and for your thoughts. I am also left rabbit. Those right rabbits can take a hike. Lol

Stress and anxiety can cause mental or emotional symptoms in addition to physical ones. These can include: feelings of impending doom. panic or nervousness, especially in social settings.

Super true and I've experienced those exact physical/mental /emotional features before. Not fun


Great post follow me
나를 잃어버린 아버지가 실종됐다.

i know the feelings , suffering from Agoraphobia my self for some years now , it all started with a burn-out in 2008, and from that point things went downward pretty fast

I am sorry to hear that @stresskiller. What tactics do you use to cope?

at the moment i only get out of the house in company of wife and / or daughter .
but that is going better and better

I guess it would be all about identifying what triggers you and the I am assuming a big trigger that caused your issue in 2008

light and sounds are the biggest triggers , constantly on high alert

I am a HSP and don't deal well with bright lights and sounds

and what is HSP?

Highly sensitive person - typically bright flourescent lights, loud sounds, and busy hectic environments bother us like a lot

High sensitive person that is , the most annoying sounds for me are plastic bags making crispy noises , electronic tools (waterboiler , saw , drill, lawnmowers, etc ) it can really drain the energy from me .

I hear you @stresskiller - Loud tv's, lawn or construction equipment, gunshots or fireworks, prolonged playing of loud music, lots of talking, loud voices, bousterous environment, prolonged expisure to flourescent lights

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