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RE: The internet is a terrible place?

in #life5 years ago

I removed myself from traditional social media from which seems like a long time ago once I discovered steem and havnt looked back since. It’s become a cesspool of self importance and outrage!

If you trusting a profit at all cost company to bring you information then that’s your choice and deal with how it shapes your mind and opinion

I choose to stay out of mainstream discussions and I choose the content I engage with but I’m also comfortable with being an outcast which I know not many are willing to do

Great peace as always


I have a very controversial attitude to the Internet. On the one hand, this is valuable and interesting communication, useful information, especially with regard to the areas in which you are engaged. But on the other - this is a garbage dump of other people's opinions and complexes, which I have to face, even if I struggle to limit myself as much as possible.
I support your outcast style, because so far I have deleted the maximum number of social networks and finally stopped reading the news.

Lol I totally understand, its unfiltered access that can easily have you swept along with a number of narratives that are so convincing but not your own thoughts. All content has some sort of agenda and if you don't know how to decern facts from opinions (something the should be reaching in schools) you are easily influenced by the internet.

I'm not sure how bad it is in Russia but in South Africa, any webpage that is shared on WhatsApp is seen as the absolute truth and no one takes a second thought to debunk it they just share it and things go viral for no reason, just unsubstantiated claims.

I do struggle some days but I try to limit my social activity online. It's a work in progress but I feel I am far better off now

I don’t know whether it will reassure you or upset you, but in Russia the same thing. Any fake thing said somewhere on Twitter or in the general chat is perceived as the truth and spreads throughout the territory and real madness begins. I think that trends and fashion work this way. You just throw some garbage into the crowd for a joke, and the next morning it becomes a real masterpiece.

LOL, that response was so honest and really made me laugh.

As African's, we're always told that you know Europeans and US know better so I often default to thinking that others have it "figured out" but clearly this is a misconception of mine.

That fashion and basically any consumer trend I'm sure is so true, generate enough hype about something and get enough numbers to advocate your point and it's accepted as genius. There's always a steady stream of conformists who have no real opinion ready to be manipulated, they are in no short supply.

Lol) everything is the same here. In Russia they say that they know how this world works and how people live on other continents. The funny thing is that every island, country, group of people is so strongly confident in their features, grandeur and literacy that they do not even notice how they act according to the patterns. This whole world is playing this game, it seems to me.

I will be honest with you I have zero clues on what goes on in Eastern Europe, every time I come into contact with people from the region Like Poland, Ukraine and Russia I'm fascinated because its such a known element to us, we don't get much info about what goes on there.

Lol I think that's so true, with globalisation now we can see it since we have access to other countries easier. It's as if these patterns are wired into humans and regardless of race, gender, location, policies theres some behaviours that simply cannot be shaken.

We like to pretend we're different, special, unique by means of labels since its easier than actually having to do it, the moment you step out and actually be unique you will see how quickly you are forced to conform.

I think we are all playing the game, I just like to watch it all play out, I refer to myself as a professional people watcher lol

I also always thought that living on labels of uniqueness is much easier than swimming against the tide. When you are truly unique (although it is possible now?), you are often rejected and fall out of the crowd. And it is unlikely that you will create a new trend that will become popular the next day. This is a complex mechanism, as if you were going through a storm - it’s hard and cold for you, but you are trying to survive at all costs.
Globalization gave us the opportunity to observe the world and the lives of others, their habits and worldview, but nothing has changed, except now the choice for copying has become greater. just within the globe, lol.

Anything that’s required little to no effort would find wide mainstream appeal. Uniqueness by label alone allows us to perceive change without excercising change which is hard!

Let those labels be questioned and you’ll see how quickly people will abandon them, they have no allegiance to it

As for uniqueness I doubt you can really be all that unique only find yourself in a different minority of people!

Humans learn through immatation and repetition it’s how the schooling system teaches you how to improve as a person! We teach people what to think so they’re always looking for the next thing to copy

We never teach people how to think, why to think to when to think therein lies a fundamental flaw

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