You Are Not Powerless

in #life6 years ago (edited)

We often hear people talking about the concept of the victim mentality, the idea that certain people find themselves inside that reality and for reasons that can be hard to understand, get stuck. There are of course patterns being imitated, ideas that are probably best forgotten, but without a doubt as a society we are struggling with this mental trap.

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Feeling Powerless

Can be sometimes just that, a feeling. An idea that there is nothing we can do to change our reality and that we are trapped in our current situation. I’m not saying change is easy, I’m not even saying change is always possible, all I’m saying is that most of the time we can be part of a prison of our own making.

Thinking back to many conversations I’ve had with people that I’ve mentored, plenty of the times I would hear the dreaded words “I can’t” I would try to find a way to break down the reasons. Most of the time the reasons where nothing that would satisfy anyone, including the person who would be saying them.

The reasons why it never sounds convincing was because in many ways these mental hurdles lacked objective logic, a passive acceptance of an unpleasant situation.

The shift

Most of the time can begin when we identify the flaws in our own logic. Before we begin to find solutions to the problems, the logical breakdown effectively can erode some problematic illusions. If you have ever heard someone, or if you have ever said to yourself “I hate my job” that to me indicates in most cases a prison of our own making.

The moment we are able to see the bars, the fake walls holding us in a job, in a relationship or any situation that robs us from happiness, we are forced to find if not the way out, the way to change the parameters at play.

Like many other things in life, this requires practice. We need to quiet the noise around us, attempt to dampen the ego and begin to ask ourselves the most uncomfortable of questions.

Am I really a victim?



Funny you posted this ... literally just finished a post about the same topic from a different perspective. Maybe it's something in the air.

Synchronicity as they say!

"I can't" stands actually more for "i give up" in my opinion. Nice Post, no wants be a victim, but there always will be victims.

very well said @harktheshark ... fun name btw! cheers

Many times when a person's state of mind determines the actual situation of a person, we must learn to regulate and control our hearts! ! ! The environment will affect us, but many times we can't resist the influence of the external environment. That's because we don't have a strong enough heart! !


well said @abcallen, all the best

Thank you for your compliments and wish you all the best @chbartist!


i read somewhere

The bad thing in life is that bad time is longer than the good time, but the good thing in life is that bad time never last long.

Life is not always enjoyable and doesn't bring happiness to us. But life is not always bad for us. Hence, we should always be positive. Your articles always bring positive energy for us.
Have a great time ahead.

Thank you for reading @akdx and for sharing your thoughts.

Excelente post, @chbartist, a mi manera de percibir a las personas que se suelen identificar como victimas, o piden compasión hacia ellos, lo hacen costumbre y en su mayoría tienen problemas de autoestima. Mis saludos!

not, because life is full of obstacles, and sometimes hard and sometimes happy, because life is like a spinning world ball, and hopefully a good day @chbartist.

I believe that whoever gives himself the title of victim is that person who wants someone else to solve his circumstance.


“The moment we are able to see the bars, the fake walls holding us in a job, in a relationship or any situation that robs us from happiness, we are forced to find if not the way out, the way to change the parameters at play.“

Once you see the truth it’s hard to maintain the false beliefs any more.

thank you for reading, I'm glad the words resonated with you!

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Man must resist everything he has to struggle for survival
Really wonderful article done well, my friend

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