The Importance of Discipline!! Not Determining A Date To Reach Your PLANS Is Just a Dreaming And You Will Not Reach Your Goals....

in #life6 years ago

Hello Stemmians, how are you all?

Today I'm going to write about how you should be programmed to acquire a very important habit that is discipline and I also want to share the importance of you actually learning the concept of determining dates and you can truly complete your future goals and plans.

During my journey as an entrepreneur and trainer of people I could see a serious mistake that many or most of them make when making their projections for the future especially about achieving goals.

The first ground that I realize is lacking in the vast majority of people is the foundation of discipline.

I can guarantee that most do not know or understand the true meaning and importance of being a disciplined person.

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Another factor that I have realized over many years is that people just plan their goals but besides being undisciplined they do not determine a date to reach their plan and this is the biggest mistake that anyone who wants to conquer something should learn :


You should be persistent with yourself about it because otherwise everything you plan to do will just be a dream and you will be frustrated and clear that this is not a good feeling for anyone.

As I always say I am sharing this with you based on experiences that I have lived and not just based on an opinion because in training people I have been able to prove a very large number of people and why not say most of them commenting on these big mistakes.

As a coach of these people I always asked a few questions:

1 - What is your plan?
This has always been easy for them to answer because, of course, everyone wants something.

2 - And when do you intend to achieve this goal?

It was at this moment that things began to get complicated because the answers were the most diverse but none with exactness, that is, they only had a plan and then I began a new sequence of questions.

A- To execute your plan you will have to complete some steps. When are you going to complete this first step?

Answer: Next week.

Question: Which day of the week?

Answer: I think Wednesday.

For this answer I asked? Do you think or are you sure?

The conversation was following but you realize that this already demonstrates a lack of discipline or exact definition to fulfill certain tasks and this is the same as saying that the person will not do the task because if not the person does not understand that has to define clearly dates for yourself to complete a task that is part of your future plan nothing will happen.

Another very common response has always been: Next month!

For this answer I always made a joke for the person to understand that this answer means nothing to me so I said the following:

Open your calendar:

Show me what months you're seeing.

It said, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

I'd say: Great, now show me where's on your calendar next month. LOL


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At this point the person realized how much she did not know how to properly set an agenda and accurately determine the dates and with that it would also be impossible to determine when it would be possible to achieve the goal itself. Most of the time they understood that they would not be able to complete their plan because they were just answers to think, I think, I think!

When I got to this point in the conversation everything was simpler and I could design an efficient planning with precise dates to complete each stage of the project and for that it is necessary to discipline.

Every time I did this I had a sense of accomplishment and it was very rewarding to know that I had started to reprogram the Mindset of another person who did not have a direction and everything would start to happen naturally.

Of course, unfortunately the minority of people didn't give continuity to the very goals they had committed to themselves and the result was obvious: They could not keep up with their goals but my part I had already done and the person always had the clarity that she was not determined to perform something she had much guidance.

Unfortunately people want things to happen easily and simply but having discipline is not for everyone. Most people just want to but don't do what has to be done.

At a congress with a thousand people in the room if you ask: Who wants to get rich?
Everyone will raise their arms but the truth is that only 2% and I can guarantee this, will do what has to be done to become rich.

I hope you have understood the message I wanted to convey to you all and further that you begin to practice these teachings as soon as possible because this will bring many benefits to your life.


I wish you would not forget our objection here on this blog about giving upvote to each other who make meaningful comments and the faster we can bring people to this community faster we will see people with 50.60.70 upvotes. I think this never happened on steemit and I believe we would all be very proud to make it happen. For this invite people to join this blog where there is only room for respect, prosperity and the programming of a Positive Mindset.

Remember to always return to the previous post to check if anyone else has commented and has not received your upvote.

Let's go together and see you through the next post!




Totalmente de acuerdo con este blog, de que la mejor manera para cumplir con un objetivo es muy pero que muy importante marcarse una fecha como objetivo a cumplir. Es mas seguro ponerse una fecha para tal objetivo que poner una hora cada día, realmente no importa la hora en que se haga sino la fecha en sí...

Discipline in life is very important, many people become successful because they are disciplined, someone's success can be made an example for the implementation of discipline in a person, but implementing this discipline is not something easy, one must have awareness, and willingness in the long run and he must focus on the goals he wants to achieve.😊


Hi friends! I apologize for not having time to respond in your comments but I have read everyone and they are meaningful comments for the whole community. All comments teach something more and exchange experiences from different cultures and with respect that is the main foundation of this blog.

I'm going to reply equally to all of you because I want to remind you all of what our goal here is that I am proposing to you all.

I want to see this community with meaningful comments getting 80 upvotes. What I am doing you will hardly see in steemit, I vote on all the significant comments from you and I have seen that you are understanding how we can build a community with engagement and generosity with positive Mindset always.

I would like to make a request to all of you. Please, if you commented on a new post I did, please always go back to the previous one because if someone in the community commented lastly because of time zone differences it will be without your upvote and that would not be fair.

My goal is to see you all with 80 upvotes and for this we need to bring more people with positive Mindset to this blog and this you can do by inviting people who follow you on your blogs and making a subtract of all posts.

You all know the goal we can reach.

The question is: Who is with me in this endeavor?


Regards @chbartist

This post has received a 20.00% upvote from @jmiller05!

You got a 50.00% upvote from @steembloggers courtesy of @shakailove!

Yep agree with everything here, would also like to add that when agreeing to a set goal have conviction and belief that you will reach no matter what obstacles come your way.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Exactly friend! Thank you...

Hi friends! I apologize for not having time to respond in your comments but I have read everyone and they are meaningful comments for the whole community. All comments teach something more and exchange experiences from different cultures and with respect that is the main foundation of this blog.

I'm going to reply equally to all of you because I want to remind you all of what our goal here is that I am proposing to you all.

I want to see this community with meaningful comments getting 80 upvotes. What I am doing you will hardly see in steemit, I vote on all the significant comments from you and I have seen that you are understanding how we can build a community with engagement and generosity with positive Mindset always.

I would like to make a request to all of you. Please, if you commented on a new post I did, please always go back to the previous one because if someone in the community commented lastly because of time zone differences it will be without your upvote and that would not be fair.

My goal is to see you all with 80 upvotes and for this we need to bring more people with positive Mindset to this blog and this you can do by inviting people who follow you on your blogs and making a subtract of all posts.

You all know the goal we can reach.

The question is: Who is with me in this endeavor?


Regards @chbartist

Discipline plays an important role in success and and as you said commitment of time defined to achieve one's goal plays an important role in one's success. It is not just enough to define only the time but it is also equally important to take the necessary effort in reaching the target within the committed time!!

I think it's easier said than done hence it's a common challenge

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi friends! I apologize for not having time to respond in your comments but I have read everyone and they are meaningful comments for the whole community. All comments teach something more and exchange experiences from different cultures and with respect that is the main foundation of this blog.

I'm going to reply equally to all of you because I want to remind you all of what our goal here is that I am proposing to you all.

I want to see this community with meaningful comments getting 80 upvotes. What I am doing you will hardly see in steemit, I vote on all the significant comments from you and I have seen that you are understanding how we can build a community with engagement and generosity with positive Mindset always.

I would like to make a request to all of you. Please, if you commented on a new post I did, please always go back to the previous one because if someone in the community commented lastly because of time zone differences it will be without your upvote and that would not be fair.

My goal is to see you all with 80 upvotes and for this we need to bring more people with positive Mindset to this blog and this you can do by inviting people who follow you on your blogs and making a subtract of all posts.

You all know the goal we can reach.

The question is: Who is with me in this endeavor?


Regards @chbartist

You have made me think of a possible reason why I have not been able to undertake a project that I have until now. I have the ideas, the steps to follow, but I had stopped more than anything for lack of money. The point is that I had to keep planning on how to get it, especially now that I can be working here in Steemit, where any idea can come back to reality.

I'm going to put these ideas into practice to see how I'm doing this. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge with this community.

Hi friends! I apologize for not having time to respond in your comments but I have read everyone and they are meaningful comments for the whole community. All comments teach something more and exchange experiences from different cultures and with respect that is the main foundation of this blog.

I'm going to reply equally to all of you because I want to remind you all of what our goal here is that I am proposing to you all.

I want to see this community with meaningful comments getting 80 upvotes. What I am doing you will hardly see in steemit, I vote on all the significant comments from you and I have seen that you are understanding how we can build a community with engagement and generosity with positive Mindset always.

I would like to make a request to all of you. Please, if you commented on a new post I did, please always go back to the previous one because if someone in the community commented lastly because of time zone differences it will be without your upvote and that would not be fair.

My goal is to see you all with 80 upvotes and for this we need to bring more people with positive Mindset to this blog and this you can do by inviting people who follow you on your blogs and making a subtract of all posts.

You all know the goal we can reach.

The question is: Who is with me in this endeavor?


Regards @chbartist

@chbartist sir!
Discipline is very important in life, but with discipline, flexibility in it is also very important. Because sometimes people get broken due to more discipline, they become frustrated. To reach any goal, we also endeavor to reach our goal according to the timetable, but the situation is not always favorable, therefore we should adopt some flexibility.
Calendars are not only meant to tell day and date, but they always keep learning, it is important every day. In each day, live your work plan in discipline and move forward towards your goal.

Hi friends! I apologize for not having time to respond in your comments but I have read everyone and they are meaningful comments for the whole community. All comments teach something more and exchange experiences from different cultures and with respect that is the main foundation of this blog.

I'm going to reply equally to all of you because I want to remind you all of what our goal here is that I am proposing to you all.

I want to see this community with meaningful comments getting 80 upvotes. What I am doing you will hardly see in steemit, I vote on all the significant comments from you and I have seen that you are understanding how we can build a community with engagement and generosity with positive Mindset always.

I would like to make a request to all of you. Please, if you commented on a new post I did, please always go back to the previous one because if someone in the community commented lastly because of time zone differences it will be without your upvote and that would not be fair.

My goal is to see you all with 80 upvotes and for this we need to bring more people with positive Mindset to this blog and this you can do by inviting people who follow you on your blogs and making a subtract of all posts.

You all know the goal we can reach.

The question is: Who is with me in this endeavor?


Regards @chbartist

Planning is very important when you set goals, that allows you to work according to the goal without losing focus ... my husband always tells me that I must set dates when I plan, however, to work with set times, dates, hours, in Some form is difficult for me ... it is something that generates a bit of stress, I feel like under pressure ... and usually I do not establish dates and I know I have to do it ..It is proven and confirmed that it is the best way to achieve success!

Hi friends! I apologize for not having time to respond in your comments but I have read everyone and they are meaningful comments for the whole community. All comments teach something more and exchange experiences from different cultures and with respect that is the main foundation of this blog.

I'm going to reply equally to all of you because I want to remind you all of what our goal here is that I am proposing to you all.

I want to see this community with meaningful comments getting 80 upvotes. What I am doing you will hardly see in steemit, I vote on all the significant comments from you and I have seen that you are understanding how we can build a community with engagement and generosity with positive Mindset always.

I would like to make a request to all of you. Please, if you commented on a new post I did, please always go back to the previous one because if someone in the community commented lastly because of time zone differences it will be without your upvote and that would not be fair.

My goal is to see you all with 80 upvotes and for this we need to bring more people with positive Mindset to this blog and this you can do by inviting people who follow you on your blogs and making a subtract of all posts.

You all know the goal we can reach.

The question is: Who is with me in this endeavor?


Regards @chbartist

Great said as always my friend @chbartist ,I understand what you are trying to say is that we should set out goals with exact date and time. And also understand that we are building here a strong community.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi friends! I apologize for not having time to respond in your comments but I have read everyone and they are meaningful comments for the whole community. All comments teach something more and exchange experiences from different cultures and with respect that is the main foundation of this blog.

I'm going to reply equally to all of you because I want to remind you all of what our goal here is that I am proposing to you all.

I want to see this community with meaningful comments getting 80 upvotes. What I am doing you will hardly see in steemit, I vote on all the significant comments from you and I have seen that you are understanding how we can build a community with engagement and generosity with positive Mindset always.

I would like to make a request to all of you. Please, if you commented on a new post I did, please always go back to the previous one because if someone in the community commented lastly because of time zone differences it will be without your upvote and that would not be fair.

My goal is to see you all with 80 upvotes and for this we need to bring more people with positive Mindset to this blog and this you can do by inviting people who follow you on your blogs and making a subtract of all posts.

You all know the goal we can reach.

The question is: Who is with me in this endeavor?


Regards @chbartist

If we r too disciplined, then what will make a difference between us and machines......well!!! About future, it is timefactor which decides what we will be.....All dream to make it big, but unfortunately only few make it happen....all successful people are someone who has sacrificed a part of life to achieve their passion.....can you name an entrepreneur who has a balanced life....a life with friends, a life with parents, a life with children, a life with pets...

Posted using Partiko Android

I understand, but if you start young it is possible you can have that balance because you will already be in a comfortable position to decide to have conquered your freedom.

Yes...when one prepares from his young age to become someone is nothing but to create a machine inside him.....he will be designed only for that....

I aspired to be a pilot..I ended up in working for was not my fortune or it doesn't mean I was not preparing from my young age to be a's the time factor which changed my I don't believe in preparing one for the future.....

if we prepare ourselves for the future and when we know what we are going to be, then what mystery will be there in I am happy that I do know what will happen to me next.....I am in love with this mystery.....

Posted using Partiko Android

Well I don't quite agree..lots of ppl are successful and still live balanced life...although some have sacrificed some years of their life towards building the life that they desire but in the end they achieved success, with sufficient time to enjoy all that interests them

Posted using Partiko Android

This is my opinion, not a general truth.
We may have plans but never get to be there because we are lacking the necessary information or opportunities we require, but it is our decision to remain in our situation or cover the required knowledge gap that can advance us to our goals in life

Hi friends! I apologize for not having time to respond in your comments but I have read everyone and they are meaningful comments for the whole community. All comments teach something more and exchange experiences from different cultures and with respect that is the main foundation of this blog.

I'm going to reply equally to all of you because I want to remind you all of what our goal here is that I am proposing to you all.

I want to see this community with meaningful comments getting 80 upvotes. What I am doing you will hardly see in steemit, I vote on all the significant comments from you and I have seen that you are understanding how we can build a community with engagement and generosity with positive Mindset always.

I would like to make a request to all of you. Please, if you commented on a new post I did, please always go back to the previous one because if someone in the community commented lastly because of time zone differences it will be without your upvote and that would not be fair.

My goal is to see you all with 80 upvotes and for this we need to bring more people with positive Mindset to this blog and this you can do by inviting people who follow you on your blogs and making a subtract of all posts.

You all know the goal we can reach.

The question is: Who is with me in this endeavor?


Regards @chbartist

@chbartist! discipline is only thing by which we can achieve our goal perfectly. Most of the people like me are not aware about duscipline. So, we should critically aware about this essential thing.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi friends! I apologize for not having time to respond in your comments but I have read everyone and they are meaningful comments for the whole community. All comments teach something more and exchange experiences from different cultures and with respect that is the main foundation of this blog.

I'm going to reply equally to all of you because I want to remind you all of what our goal here is that I am proposing to you all.

I want to see this community with meaningful comments getting 80 upvotes. What I am doing you will hardly see in steemit, I vote on all the significant comments from you and I have seen that you are understanding how we can build a community with engagement and generosity with positive Mindset always.

I would like to make a request to all of you. Please, if you commented on a new post I did, please always go back to the previous one because if someone in the community commented lastly because of time zone differences it will be without your upvote and that would not be fair.

My goal is to see you all with 80 upvotes and for this we need to bring more people with positive Mindset to this blog and this you can do by inviting people who follow you on your blogs and making a subtract of all posts.

You all know the goal we can reach.

The question is: Who is with me in this endeavor?


Regards @chbartist

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