Paying Ourselves At Least One Hour

in #life6 years ago (edited)

One of the things I hear often when mentoring someone is that my would be student feels like there is never enough time in a day. I’m not unsympathetic to this, since I too feel at times that days can be short. However, I’ve come to find that the best trick, if I may call it so, comes with setting aside one special hour per day.

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What do you want to learn?

There are things you desire in life, knowledge that you crave. The question becomes complicated just because the idea of dedicating time to this desire can be overwhelming. What about time? What about my job? What about my partner? All these are valid questions, but the truth is that everything can start with one simple hour.

If the thought of setting aside one hour a day to learn something new seems like too little, like it would do nothing to get you closer to where you want to be, imagine how much closer you will get without it. The answer is obvious and needs little explanation.

One hour a day to learn a language, to work on your steem account, to learn an instrument. These are not unreasonable things, they are not unattainable goals. So it comes down to one question.

Why not?

Why should we not dedicate one hour a day to learn to be a better version of us? The fact that answering this question with anything reasonable is a challenge in itself, should say a lot. Without a doubt if the answers we give sound as if we are trying to convince ourselves of the reasons “why not” then we must reconsider our own reasoning.

This place, this platform can be an opportunity for all of us to learn. It certainly is one for me, spending some time reading different opinions from my own is also a key element of growth that I try not to neglect.

So, I’ll ask you the same questions to you: Why not? Why not pay yourself just 1 hour?

All the best to you all, my tribe of good intent, until next time...



Hmm, this post is really on point. Sometimes it does feel like there's a lot to take in but I like the angle this post suggest a solution. 1 hour a day is not bad to start with and I also think it would make me being at ease with myself.

Brilliant post @chbartist and thanks for it.

It can make a huge difference, hours become weeks, become months... but it starts with one.

So true @chbartist. One of my favourite Chinese proverbs states,

The journey of a thousand mile begins with a step.

In a twinkle of an eye, we create time in no time.

I totally agree. I dedicate 30 minutes everyday to intense meditation that helps me focus, clear my mind and plan better. We should all learn to spend more time with ourselves

Tienes toda la razón, una hora al día es un buen tiempo para ir en marcha con las cosas que queremos lograr, muchas veces dejamos pasar el tiempo y luego queremos ir más más de prisa y no logramos nuestros planes como queremos por falta de administración del tiempo, Gracias por compartir este post, me permite reflexionar un poco sobre el montón de cosas que tengo hacer jejejej y muchas veces me distraigo en otras cosas menos importante, que tengas un excelente día, @chbartist.

The approach of the hour is quite realistic, it is a way to be able to tell my daughter that with dedication one hour a day, a new knowledge is a step forward.
For my part I set schedules to be able to realize the miles of activities generated by my three web works per day. And we must learn to manage our time because family, work and our personal growth must be balanced.
As always, your articles are easy to read and absolutely useful.
El planteamiento de la hora es bastante realista, es una manera de poder decirle a mi hija que con dedicación una hora al día, un nuevo conocimiento es un paso adelante adelante.
Por mi parte yo pongo horarios para poder realizar las millas de actividades que generan mis tres trabajos web al día. Y es que debemos aprender a administrar nuestro tiempo porque la familia, el trabajo y nuestro crecimiento personales deben estar equilibrados.
Como siempre tus artículos son sencillos de leer y absolutamente útiles.

Te agradezco que leas, y que compartas tus pensamientos con todos...

Yeah it is a great platform of learning and reading new posts. Recent updates and blogs enhances our knowledge. It is very informative for me.

Precisely. Time is precious and as they say 'spend it wisely'! Great post :)

It all comes down to knowing how to stay organaized but sometimes in ones life there’s always a phase were one can’t seem to keep up with the organization game but I think no matter what one should always cut out that time out even if one has to make some sacrifices

I probably spend more then 1 hour a day learning/informing myself about new things. I find the hardest part finding pertinent information. Makes it less efficient.. best to all

step by step it is the hour.I like your posts. Thanks

If we don't give time to ourselves, then how can we even expect anything from us!! Best wishes for you.

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