What to do when dirty feet have already stepped into your mind

in #life7 years ago

Tough luck but you have let it happen. Could you avoid it? Maybe, but you would be taking another kind of risk; that of overprotecting your mind and getting to the other end, missing clear thoughts entering and enhancing it. Who wouldn’t agree that the filtering operation of what to let in and what not, is important to protect our identity; whatever that identity is made of (-this is another discussion). That is the first level of defence; defining, building and implementing your mind filters (-this is also another discussion).

Dirty feet are of different kind for everyone. It might be mud and dirt, or it might be well pedicured but smelly or clean but with nail fungus. Now that I have stepped with all these wonderful pictures in your mind, let’s talk metaphorically of the same. Gossiping, very deep or very shallow talks, illogical sayings, discussions for no or without reason, speaking bad, impertinent behaviour and many others may be the dirty feet…

Sometimes even the best filters cannot hold them back. They will kick hard the shining grid that protects your mind and they will intrude with no mercy. Let’s say you are caught in a discussion and a friend of a friend acts/talks/looks like “dirty feet”; unless you leave or close eyes, ears, mouth you will have to withstand it. You participate in a business meeting and an unbearable talkativeness with no content consumes your time and burns slowly your brain cells; unless you have a notebook and pen to sketch daises, or no matter how much you puff and blow you will be there for some time more.

So, they are there… your mind walls are overrun. What weapon would defend you in this melee combat? I believe imagination is the magic sack in which you will find the most appropriate image, song, mantra that can save you. You could retrieve a mop to clean the dirt, if you are a housewife; or you could use a quick process or clay sculpturing to cement the feet… or a magic wand-brush to turn them into glittering mushrooms, if you are an artist; or you could make rimes to throw as missiles to all incoming grime, if you are a poet; or you could raise, base, winnow the red flag, if you are a Steemian.

Everyone has an imagination sack; it is that we do not use it much due to all those external stimulations that we have in our society. Therefore, when it is needed we cannot find it or we find it dusty and empty.

Practice your sack, to keep dirty feet back…

Photo of sandy feet on my head's shadow taken in Dubai desert



The worst thing is when the dirty feet don t let you sleep...

Have you tried counting the dancing multicolor sheeps? Hohoho...

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