in #life6 years ago

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Many times because of society, we can not understand why there are people who do not share our same sexual orientation, that is, the sexual orientation that they teach us at home "man and woman", and this is when certain phobias begin to appear that it seems they should not exist. # LOVE IS LOVE Religion has been the first culprit in teaching us that this is bad and has been responsible for putting things in our heads that really are not, I do not want to talk much about religions because I respect them all, each one has a different way of teaching, but To be frank about this topic I can talk about many negative things.

my family on my mother's side has always been quite religious, on the other hand my father's family believes in God but I can not say that they are so religious.

I was recently talking with a cousin on my mother's side and this issue came up, so I ask her.

What do you think of gay people?

her response was more crazy than I thought and was the reason why I made this publication, her answer was:

These are people who are possessed by the devil, have let the devil enter their minds and will never know the kingdom of heaven.

I tried to explain to her that what she thought was very wrong, but she already has a lot of brain washing and it was impossible.

I simply believe that there is a God who is going to judge us by our actions and not by our sexual orientation, there are people who do evil all day in the street and then go to church to beat their chest as if nothing happened.

There are gay people, gay people, lesbians who fight for the lives of others, who fight to make the world much better.

There are many people who believe that because that person is different is going to hurt us but we are only talking about a small part of what that person is !!

We are talking about his sexual orientation which is nothing more than the sentimental, romantic and sexual attraction by a person of our same or opposite sex.

That person can be an excellent doctor, lawyer, engineer ... but you only look at him for his sexual orientation?

I think we should all love each other equally and leave taboos aside.

I think that all people go through difficult things and they should be respected since we are all equal, but have you ever tried to enter the shoes of a gay or a lesbian?

there are more open people who know they are different from small and express it but there are people who fear the reaction of their loved ones or what society thinks and live locked up without being able to be themselves.

Rejection is one of the most important factors that do not allow young people to identify themselves correctly.

The alarming suicide rates of people in the LGBT community leave us quite thoughtful ...

But nowadays they can see a light at the end of the tunnel as there are many places and countries where homophobia no longer exists, where same-sex marriages are allowed and they can even adopt children without much fuss.

There are still many countries where this is not accepted which makes people move to other countries to fulfill their dreams.

That's why I have a very important message for all the people who are against this kind of love!

if this seems disgusting to you, it disgusts you, if you have treated these people badly or act in a bad way in front of them, I have to tell you that you should go to have a brain lobotomy since you are very bad!

It is impossible that in this time you are still so ignorant!

Love is like that, it reaches us all differently, we all have the right to love and be loved, just as you love that bastard who hits you and is unfaithful to you, they also have the right to share their life with the person they want!


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