Finally Exams are over!!

in #life7 years ago

         Hi guys, today is a very happy day because THE EXAMS ARE OVER!!! Finally I can rest till next year. I feel so good and I just can't think of what to do first. I can't take in any drawing because our house is being repaired. So me and my family, specially me and my sister have to stay in our room. So I just can do the things which I can do with my computer like steeming, playing games and other enjoyable stuff. :D


     Today we had PTS and Aesthetic exams. Both of them were like a piece of cake as I expected. And today, Tamil and History marks were given! My tamil marks are low as I expected. I didn't wanted marks for Tamil because I don't like to learn Tamil. Anyway, I will never have to and will never learn Tamil again in my lifetime 😇😆😊 Learning Tamil was a big headache for me since I was so little. And the History marks are good as I expected. I'll be sharing a post on 7th about my marsks. So look forward to see it. 

    So it's fun time

May everyone enjoy as much as I enjoy

Thank you for stopping by


That's good to know! ^^ Congratulations on completing your exams... ^^ Enjoy the rest of 2017! ^^

You're welcome Chamu!!! ^^

Glad for you that the exams have finished... According to the tags you're from Srilanka right?

Haha Yeah I'm from Sri Lanka :D

hahaha....its a great time for you! enjoy

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