Scholar but Fisherman (Bilingual)

in #life6 years ago

Camera Galaxy A5

Kotto Nainggolan (47), a scholar who was forced to become a fisherman after the company where he worked went bankrupt and has closed several years ago. Kotto also keep the spirit to support his family needs by becoming a fisherman, due to the limited field of employment at this time.

The photo above I took when by chance I met him while I was visiting the beach while Kotto was fishing with his wife on the beach.
After a while I had time to chat with him I was trying to introduce STEEMIT to him and he greeted him happily and visible from his face as if he rediscovered the light grabbed a new life. Kotto is his nickname, I am sure one day he will grow up in STEEMIT with his bachelor degree and experience working in the company. Welcome to join STEEMIT. As of this writing I am loading, Kotto is still awaiting Confirmation of his Steemit account, so I have not been able to accompany his account name. Thank you to all of you... Special to SteemitTeam


Kotto Nainggolan (47), adalah seorang sarjana yang terpaksa menjadi seorang nelayan setelah perusahaan tempat dia berkerja mengalami pailit dan telah tutup beberapa tahun yang lalu. Kotto pun tetap semangat menafkahi kebutuhan keluarganya dengan cara menjadi seorang nelayan, karena terbatasnya lapangan pekerjaan saat ini.

Photo diatas saya ambil ketika secara kebetulan saya bertemu dengannya saat saya sedang berkunjung kesebuah tepi pantai sedangkan Kotto sedang menjala ikan bersama istrinya di pantai itu.
Setelah beberapa saat saya sempat bercengkrama dengannya saya pun mencoba memperkenalkan STEEMIT padanya dan dia menyambutnya dengan gembira dan terlihat dari wajahnya seakan dia menemukan kembali cahaya meraih hidup baru. Kotto itulah nama panggilannya, Saya yakin suatu hari dia akan tumbuh besar di STEEMIT berbekal gelar sarjana yang dia miliki dan pengalaman berkerja di perusahaan. Selamat bergabung bersama STEEMIT. Saat tulisan ini saya muat, Kotto masih sedang menunggu Konfirmasi akun Steemit miliknya, jadi saya belum bisa menyertai nama akun miliknya. Terimakasih semua...

@steemit | @chalidteuku

Chalid Teuku



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I like the story , Very kool , jkenny

Thanks... it happens yesterday

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