How Canadians are Shopping Patriotically; Screw You Trump :]

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Whats Going On, Man? Trump vs Trudeau

So for those of you who are not aware, like many other countries in the world, Canada has quite been affected by the United States' most recent presidential choice. The tariffs that Trump has been imposing, as well as the accusation that we Canadians are a threat to them, are just ridiculous, and honestly somewhat hurtful, for a country that I personally have always had fairly good relations with.


I have family down there, I have good friends who live there that I play online with every day, and to hear them talk about Canada, is nothing like what I would imagine when reading the newspaper. Canadians out there, don't let this asshat of a President fool you, he does not represent the majority of the countries feelings. Most americans I get the pleasure of speaking with, love us, and seem to have this rather surprising sense of camaraderie with us in terms of having each others back.

Now, that's all really just my opinion but if you have one to share, I would love to hear it below :) For now, I have a couple recent articles I'd like to share with you.

To resist Trump, Canadians try local ketchup


The article above, is quite informative about what is going on regarding Trump-Imposed Tariffs, so I will not go into too much time describing these, however I would like to say that this is honestly about damn time. Trump has been pissing me off since day one, and I was really counting on our government to do something about it. Yes, I know Canada is supposed to be the peaceful one, however I don't think this should be considered of ill intent.

Canada does what it needs to, in order to protect its citizens. Shopping has been ridiculous these last few months, with bills being 10-30 dollars higher than normal with people I know. If you have not read anything about this yet, shopping locally, and patriotically, is one way to keep your bills down. Also a good way to show Trump that we need anything he has, so very much less than he thinks.

U.S. files World Trade Organization complaint against Canada’s retaliatory tariffs

In this article, ^, we are informed of another measure that Canada is taking in retaliation to these tariffs, such as finally placing our own. I have been waiting for this for a little while now, and I must say this has taken too long already. Canada is a fully reliant country, and in fact, America relies on us equally, in many ways.


I do hope that once Trump see's that nobody really needs his products all that badly, things will return to normal, in terms of relations with our american friends, but for now it seems we will continue to avoid the political talks amongst each-other :) I hope this has been informative for you all, and I would as always, love to hear anything you have to say.

Happy Hunting,


Very well written and I couldn't agree more ;)

Thanks! Always a good feelin to get some confirmation.

I'm just going to say something here... I'm actually kind of hoping to know what you will bring out next time :D

On the flip side, the tariffs have been worldwide, it's a shame the NAFTA agreement went down the hole, but for some people it's very profitable, and by some people I mean those high up, the America isolationism and trade wars are hurting the people... bad

Yes it is rough all around unfortunately.I actually assume Canada is least affected by them in all realities, but I am not all too informed about this :)

And too funny, I will be carrying on with my Ethical Hacking series on Nmap later on today, hopefully get it out for late tonight or tomorrow morning. As for the political addition to my page, well this is just what I feel Steemit should be used for. My girlfriend shared an article with me this morning, and it set me off lol. now thanks to Steemit, I get to voice my opinion :) And you know trumps got people just dorking him all day so I hope he sees this :}

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