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RE: Pretty Sure I Am A Psychopath

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hmm... it's certainly one interesting topic. I consider myself quite empathetic. Basically it's like I'm sucking others' emotions like a whore. It actually gets rather annoying sometimes around emotional people because I can't "turn it off". I guess that's why empaths might get attracted to psychopaths – because they're stable.

But then how I decide to react to this absorption of emotions is completely another story because I don't give a crap about most of the people and what they are feeling, I'm busy enough with my own life. Maybe that's next level evil: recognizing and feeling the emotions of others yet not caring about them.

Only those closest to me I care, but I'm not trying to make anyone feel anything else than what they do at the moment, I think that's a stupid idea, be an empath or not. If that's what other empaths are doing to alleviate their own discomfort caused by the emotions of another, I guess their idiots, most people are anyway, unfortunately. Surely some empaths fit into the mix also.

Best thing is to just listen what's on someone's mind if they feel like telling and not actively trying to change how he/she is feeling, they'll figure it out.


Unless you fall into the antisocial spectrum, everyone is empathetic. You cannot really function, as it serves a reference model for our behaviour. That said, there are people who tend to score higher on the agreeable scale (which has a correlation with the traits we refer to as "empathy").

"Maybe that's next level evil: recognizing and feeling the emotions of others yet not caring about them."

This is what manipulation and the dark triad traits are all about. That's why I say that narcissism and high empathy can go hand in hand a lot of the times.

Unless you fall into the antisocial spectrum, everyone is empathetic. You cannot really function, as it serves a reference model for our behaviour. That said, there are people who tend to score higher on the agreeable scale (which has a correlation with the traits we refer to as "empathy").


This is what manipulation and the dark triad traits are all about. That's why I say that narcissism and high empathy can go hand in hand a lot of the times.

I see, though I don't try manipulate anyone, I just avoid. But is that inadvertently manipulating people then? After all, my behavior still affects those around me. I don't know, I still wish no harm to most of the people, even though I might not get along with them.

You should check your MBTI type. You probably have Fe in your stack and that should shed some light. Obviously, you are not high on DT traits, but you should still consider their role in how otherwise "positive" attributes like empathy can also be used to harm others.

I've always identified as INFP. With decision making I'm all about how I feel about it. If I feel strongly about something, nothing can really override that (Fi). I mean, I can pick up emotions, yes, but I don't think that alone means having Fe because the other part of it is the decision making. I see where Fe is coming from prioritizing the feelings of others first, but the description of it doesn't really sound me like how I function. But I don't really think much in terms of MBTI anymore, it has/was really helpful for me years ago but I have kinda "moved on" from it.

Obviously, you are not high on DT traits, but you should still consider their role in how otherwise "positive" attributes like empathy can also be used to harm others.

I do see the value with the "dark side" and how it can make for a more balanced character. Balance is important with everything, I've come to realize.

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