
I would say giving up chocalate. I can eat a little but not much. Much harder than giving up the other stuff. Funny isnt it 😂 Giving up alchohol is a little of a social bore, but to be honest I dont miss it.

After not eating chocolate for years, I can honestly say that I don't miss it. We cut it out the hard way. When we moved to Central America 20 years ago, we didn't have access to chocolate as we had in North America. So we didn't have it and it was hard at first. Abou a month ago we were out at a friend's house who had just come back from a trip to Europe. We were offered chocolate, but when we ate it, we didn't have the same reaction to it that we would have had 20 years ago. It was really strange...

Yes, that is strange. Why didnt you have access to it as much in central America?

Chocolate as you and I know it is imported so it is a luxury item and is taxed to death. So stores don't get it in because it doesn't sell fast enough. No one wants to pay the equivalent of $5 USD for a small piece of chocolate. They do have a natural cocao bean chocolatethat is very bitter and gritty so is not the same...

Ahhh ok, its everywhere in the uk, cheap and just about every brand going.

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