
Arigato gozaimasu! @ceattlestretch... hahaha you speak Jpns well!

Do atashi mash de 😆

I only know bits & pieces of nihongo from friends. I would like to learn more & go stay in Japan for a while 😃

oh great! yeah... I'm sure you can enjoy our unique culture(in good way n bad way^^;) all over Japan. Arigato for your comment... cheers! 🌼

I actually had a job to go teach English at Kyoto ekimai about 10 years ago, but my dad got sick so decided to stay home. I still want to go !!!!!

Kanpai 🤩

Oh wow... I live in Nara next to Kyoto now :) Feel sorry for your dad's sickness... but I think it is "life". Now Kyoto is super packed with foreign travellers and I'm sure it will increase till 2020! Kanpai!🍻

Thank u, & yes life is unavoidable 😂

Your yard looks like a beautiful place. I’d be happy in a place that has a lot of trees & nature. If the city is crowded I probably wouldn’t last long, but maybe

thank-you! well, there's so many beautiful places in country side near Kyoto or everywhere in Jpn, and sure you can enjoy hot-spring too, and small towns and villages now trying to welcome foreign people so how about think visiting minor place next time? of course I can help you if you need some information!
anyway... thank you for time the time for chatting with me... I enjoyed it! Kanpai!

Yes small town in with a hot spring sounds like it would be great for me! I will keep an eye on your blog to see more good things. Thanks for offering to help ! Arigato Gozaimasu 🙏

Sugoi Yo-yo Ichiban 🤩

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