The Maze of The Matrix

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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There are ways out of the entrapping maze of the Matrix and the New Age Movement is not one of them, it is just a bigger prison, with some fresh new spaces and faces to explore.

The Matrix is complex, deceiving, imprisoning and designed to keep the human family deeply embroiled in conflict, separateness, superiority and a whole gamut of destructive behaviours.

Witness what is happening on this planet at this time and throughout our history.

I, along with probably millions of others, was drawn to the New Age phenomenon birthed in the 60s, because I believed it showed me a way to exit the Matrix and step into my true state, Sovereign Integral.

Alas this was not to be the case and a little way down the rabbit hole revealed it, (the New Age Movement), was and is, just another dead end, further entrapment and suppression.

Imagine if you will, a “kindly” chicken farmer, whose chickens have outgrown their run. It is too small for the fast growing brood, which clearly need a bigger space to scratch, peck for their meals and do what chickens do.

So the “kindly” farmer builds a bigger enclosure and coop, as the curious chickens look on in both amazement and wonder.

Then one glorious day, as the cockerel calls out to all, to rise and greet the sunrise, the BIG day has finally come.

The brood of chickens is released into the huge (from a chicken’s perspective), magnificent, new, richly vegetated enclosure and lo and behold, their new found freedom feels like Chicken Heaven.

But they are still entrapped, un-free and imprisoned!

It is an illusion, although the chickens probably wouldn’t see it that way, as do many of our fellow humans.

The chickens blindly make their way through life, oblivious to the trap they are in and their almost inevitable outcome.


The farmer has successfully deluded the brood and that my friends, is exactly what the Matrix is designed to do!

It is our task to determine which Path is right for us and there are many Paths to the top of the mountain, however, with so many available, we need to be ultra discerning and remain with our eyes wide open to any falsehoods or false paths that would further entrap us.

Are we going to remain cooped up, or break free of the Matrix?
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Ahh. Someone who is not asleep; how wonderful to have found you! I am going to resteem your post; this will be my first resteem.

I also think that The Matrix movies are important analogues to our true situation. I often assert that two analogies apply to us. First, we are fish in a stocked lake. Second, we are cattle in a slaughter pen.

I am trained as an economist and was at the doorstep of privilege when I became disgusted and set out on the path to radical activism. IMO, as the economic system develops, it will program us to be mere "economic agents". We will lose our humanity. The economic system will "domesticate" us in a way comparable to the domestication of wolves into dogs.

I am not here to make money or to have millions of followers. I am here to find awakened individuals and to offer friendship to the few that I am lucky enough to find.

Well you have got and earned my friendship brother @ideafarm and thanks for the resteem.
Like you I dropped out of Corporate after 23 years and now follow my passion and heart running consciousness raising retreats in the mountains of Bali.
Radical Activist meets Spiritual Activist!
What else is possible?

We can encourage one another and take joy in one another's successes. We can share the joy of being alive and, hopefully, somewhat awakened. We can work hard to do good and to expose and oppose evil. We can be a channel for God's (or Higher Power's) love to come into the world through us. We can fall in love and never stop falling. "Where two or more are gathered..."

Indeed we can and will!

Please say more about why you see the Matrix as depicting our situation. I'd also like to read what you found lacking in the New Age Movement and, if you've also explored a religion such as Christianity, what you've found lacking in religion.

Part of my activism plan is to launch a California nonprofit public benefit corporation. It already exists legally, but there are no members and no officers other than me as incorporator. I'd like you to read its three page articles of incorporation, which is my vision for how to defeat what you call the Matrix in your blog article. You can find the Articles in my blog.

Thanks for your feedback @ideafarm.
Please be warned - My perspective may not be popular and certainly not mainstream.
The Matrix is merely a label, popularised by the trilogy of movies by the same name.
This definition refers to an intervention upon our DNA - Biology (with reference to a cell, DNA molecule, etc.) undergo or cause to undergo change in a gene or genes.
Nature, left to its purest devices, does not make mistakes, which begets the questions, "Why is only 2% of our DNA operational" and "Why can we only access 5% of our brain's intelligence?"
The subject is way to big (and challenging) to continue here, but suffice to say, we are under performing as a species, to a very large extent.
The New Age Movement is part of the Matrix, whereby, we put someone or something in between us and Source, thereby causing an external dependency and disempowering ourselves from our true Sovereign nature.
All religions, from my experience embracing many of them over the years, undeniably contain such beautiful words of wisdom, but also follow this same hierarchical path.
There is no separation, all things are connected!

The core of my teaching is that "love" means "wholesome connection", that self is an illusion, that what is important about each of us is our connections, and that our individual potential is infinite if, and only if, we are wholesomely connected.

About 24 hours ago, I was discussing this with two young women on a bus. I said, "Fall in love, and never stop falling. I'm not just speaking about the man/woman thing. That is where you learn to fall in love. But don't limit it to that. Keep falling every moment of your life, with me, with the man in that seat, with the bus driver, with everyone you encounter." They were filled with happiness and hugged me. It was as if they were dying of thirst and I had given them a cup of water.

They reacted as they did because they were young women of a particular age. Men, or older women, would have reacted differently. I had the sense that the bus driver, a middle aged man, was cynically thinking that what I was saying was nonsense and that I was just a dirty old man chasing young women. The older women who overheard might have been thinking similar things, or at best that real life is more complicated and that one cannot really keep falling in love.

But I say, "No!" Life really is that simple. Either you live it in a state of love, of "wholesome connectedness", or you are dead. Being fully a man requires love. Being fully a woman requires love. The two forms differ markedly. But it is love that animates a truly alive person.

I couldn't agree with you more my friend, we are on the same page.
And what a gift you gave those two girls!

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