😱 Your IPhone/Android phone/device is stalking you 24/7 😱

in #life8 years ago

😱 Your IPhone/Android phone/device is stalking you 24/7 😱

Edvard Munch Scream

It's happening right now, your IOS or Android smartphone, Iphone, tablet, IPad, IPod, etc. is actually stalking you every hour of the day while it is on. Unless you have gone through the normal security and/or location settings of your device and taken care to switch off all the offending configurations, most probably you will find that the darn thingumabob has been busy keeping track of when and where you've been. It's even been on the news, and you may well be interested in checking it out right in this next vid.

Smartphone snooping on NBC

Stalking smartphone

This other vid has the same info but with a good closeup of how you reach to the setting in an IPhone, IPad or Ipod, but Android devices seem to have similar functions available, specially if you log in to your Google account in them.

How To Track People By Their Phones, IPods or IPads.

Here is an explanation of how you can track or find your Android device using some not very much known Google service, and it can even remotely activate a locking function or even erase all of your data on the phone. Could be very useful, but also kind of scary if you get your google account hacked.

Find Your Lost Android Phone Without Installing An App

There is also a possibility that some kind of tracking app could be maliciously installed in your smartphone or other smartdevice without you knowing about it by someone interested in spying on you, think disgruntled spouse, or one of your mischievous kids, or maybe from someone more dangerous than that. It's not that I want you to get paranoid but the possibility is there, this is no pie in the sky sort of thing, the technology is here, and it is being used, for good or bad.

Stalking app

And if you really think I am pulling your leg on this one, then you should take a look at the TV series Mr. Robot, it's a story about a modern day super hacker group of geeks gone big time rogue on the world order. It's a really great story line but what is most impressive about the show is that they actually show you REAL techniques, commands, methods, apps, systems, that hackers use for breaking into any system, and spying, getting all kinds of info on anyone, and a slew of other things that have rarely been exposed on any other show, series, or movie before. Actually if you're not already some kind of computer geek already you probably won't like the series, or you won't understand it completely. I'll leave this link to an article that discusses some of the methods and tools that appear on the show.

THE HACKS OF MR. ROBOT - How to Spy on Anyone's Smartphone Activity

Very interesting read if you're into that sort of stuff, and will probably make you cringe at the very least if you're not familiar with these technological dangers that our modern gadgets bring to us.

So, what do you think about smartphone "security"?

#life #security #liberty #steemsquad #minnowsunite

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