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RE: I Should have Made Better Choices Moving Back to Acapulco

in #life6 years ago

There are 4 of us living in Bonfil who love you. I love it there. Riding my bike 7 miles to yoga,
spending time at Bambuddha, hanging at Mayito. It doesn't bother me one bit that there is a "fracture" because I don't spend time with people who have so much to fight about! Nor do I have an interest in people asking me to pick sides. Go fight amongst yourselves, I will continue to work hard on my business, enjoy the sunshine, and meditate. I choose to use the law of attraction to manifest positive things, no time to wallow in the negativity of others. Good luck on your journey!


Thank you for the well-wishes, I am going to need them. I knew this would be a painful journey. I have been violated and threatened. Due to health conditions, I have little ability to physically defend myself at this time and I am being bullied. I am not sure what to do at this point. It seems I have to lean on the state or look to vigilanteism. That isn't what I came here to build and they seem like terrible options. Neither have peaceful endings.

I am only saying this here because you made this public post...... You all are bullying each other, or so it seems from the outside looking in. And others who won't jump in on the bully brigade get bullied, too. There is a reason I won't be around G or L - both are toxic, not my people, no need for me to pick sides. There is a reason I have walked away slowly from the company you keep and the person y'all won't stop talking about - it's nonstop negativity and borderline obsession. Are y'all gonna carry this into 2019???? You will find yourselves isolated in your hate. I learned with my stalker that the state does not work, nor vigilanteism. Silence. Giving no attention to the perpetrator. No longer viewing one's self as a victim. No longer participating in the energy exchange. That is the hard path, being angry and lashing out and pointing fingers is the easy path. I suggest you truly evaluate ALL the company you keep - there are a lot of low vibe people who moved to Aca and the more time you spend with them the more low vibe you will inevitably become. @mikeonfire blew my mind discussing the importance of the company we keep -- how we can only maintain 150 relationships and shouldn't they be the most evolved, enlightened, successful people on the planet? That's where my attention goes, I am searching the world for my 150. Judging by this post you decided to pick sides and abandon our friendship for not participating in the toxic sesspool of inter-community negativity. Why give so much attention to one's problems?

Watching the daily, and I do mean daily threats and harassment is taken its toll on my thoughts. No one has spoken a word to him since early August, and I do mean none of us have said a word to him through apps or in person. I replied to you when asked about him and I told my ex he is dangerously close to becoming apart of our divorce. That's it! I think that is all his contact with our communication. Sweeping problems under the carpet didn't seem to work out for me with one of the community members who had boundary issues and it disrupted everything I tried to accomplish with my life. It decimated my life, to be honest.

I suppose we both gained perspective on situations like this. I learned what it is like to have people turn their back on me like what happened with you and the stalker, and you learned how people viewed you while you were having problems with your stalker. I wonder if that stalker went on to hurt or violate others.

You mentioned friendship, regardless of our social standing, if I knew you were in this situation I would be right there by your side. I think you know that.

We never left your side, you pushed us away for investigating our own way. How can I be by the side of someone socially ostricising me.

I never mentioned you. I wrote my thoughts because of frustration from the continuation of never-ending harassment & threats. I felt abandoned when reading the comments, post, and messages every day and there is no one there that wants to hear it. How do people handle these problems in silence? ...especially knowing how crazy the person who is threatening. This person doesn't look ahead or care what happens to himself after he messes up. He claims crazy card and sights his history to deflect responsibility.

...I do see that you care enough to reach out to help me see a different perspective at least.

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