Steemians friends that post with me this is aimed at you but anyone can try it out

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hey Steemians I have a challenge for you all see below

So.. I said I had a challenge here it is, and its simple the video link im posting below tell me whats the point YOU think im making? Thats it ill take the 4 people who are closes and ill offer a reward youll either get 4 weeks of steempower ill from minnowbooster ill pay for it or a week of steempower and ill make i dont know what sounds fair 50 steem worth?? Whatever that is and a few steem i wont tell anyone amounts though but i can assure you it isnt some wimp ass amount. Keep in mind ladies and gents i am with out a doubt a firm believer that a man shows his true color in his actions. So with that said if you normally view my material you probably can guess i enjoy making an impact :) and make sure you upvote this post at least 70 percent vote power or more. Thats all 4 people will get some cool shit and ill make sure everyone gets something just for trying.. I need your answer to be real not some stupid one liner i want to see some emotion i know quite a few of you saw my emotion return it with either some powerful words or a video i dont care get your point across..

The challenge once again; what point was i trying to make?
Yeah yeah i know i seem like a sensitive wierdo probably but id take that over being anything else :) good luck quick tip i suck at communication because whatever im trying to say i actually say it i dont beat around the bush. Good luck.

UPDATE: ILL BE DISBURSING FOR THIS WITH IN THE NEXT 24-48 HOURS just so you all know. If there is a number i used to reply its for me to use as an indicator on what to give who. Thank you all for your replies.

Disclaimer the image is from (wtf that is i have no clue)
Youtube video is me



thanks for sharing man - this feels a bit ironic - but it feels like the influx of inquiries this morning after your post is drawing out a bigger hole in society. We as parents may want to do this but for the most part, we are so caught up in our own devices, reputation, image, careers, technology whatever - that we dont actually engage the courage required to really this case our kids. I mean it requires a daily discipline to not get frustrated but to instead see them, call out who they are, encourage them, be present at significant moments and train them up to be awesome.

Sounds to be like you are drawing on that in all these people and they are giving you space to help them...which is an honor that Im sure you don't feel adequate for...but here you are for such a time...maybe this is the path laid out in front of you...

any who - it sounds like you are using your experience and current pain to call people out to not only love their kids, but to love their partners. To look past their own insecurities and miscues and put them on the pedestal's that only love can do. It sounds like your saying that at the end of the day thats really all that matters...which I agree with...when it all comes to an end love really will carry the day - not that we did it right, but that we showed up, choose selflessness and engage in the adventure of love.

Your sacrifice now is training up kids that are going to change the world and write History - I hope you and your ex and parent well together regardless of past choices - thanks for being vulnerable - I love the impact you are having...


Wow...nice idea from @carterx7

  1. I think you are one of better loving dad in this platform...and you have cute daughter...
  2. I think fathers love like is "iceburge"... all fatther's their love hide in the farthers heart...
  3. Every kids needs their mother and father equally....and they want always parents love and lovely kisses...
  4. We always try protect our lovely kids like our our eye...
  5. You have good family...and good can create amazing future to your kids...I think it is not easy...but we always try archieve to our goals...bcz...we loved to our kids and family...
    Wel done my dear friend @carterx7
    Happy steeming...and keep it up post...
  1. 2

Love can make you happier than you've ever been, sadder than you've ever been, angrier than you've ever been. It can elate you and deflate you almost at the same time. It needs dedication
While we can all pretty much recognize the emotions associated with love, actually finding the words to explain those feelings is a pretty tough order.

Parenting is not a one way street , it requires work , love , and effort from both sides. Every kid needs their mom and dad equally .

Woman and men both need to respect the person they are with , because it could effect their future and possibly their children's future .

No ones perfect , we all have flaws , but those flaws are what help us to become better . You're a great father for caring so much about your children and I promise , they love you a lot. I can see it


Good, English is not my first language, so I will write this comment in French and then translate it on google in English, I will do my best, in any case, I see in this video a brave family Does everything for his family, he loves them, a very sensitive man, can be in love :), a person who has many experiences in this life, he has to go through many trials but he is the stronger than ever, Stronger with family and children, confident of the future with an exceptional style of lux and class
I can give a title, "The great father", what I can say also is that your family is very proud of you, I felt it in your video with your daughters, it was incredible ....
I made this comment not to win this challenge, you can not even upvote this post it is not important
I wrote this to you because you have the same style of my father, you remind me my father who is decided two years ago and I missed him a lot.
Thank you for this post , resteemed


nice post

@carterx7 i am not good at this stuff but here goes my beat try it sounds like your telling people to appreciate what they have and to cherish it. The song sounds like it symbolizes that infact the song sounds like the point you are making is to make sure your girlfriend or boyfriend signifigant other kmknows that you love them and everything about them. You want a person not just someone with looks you want someone simple human not someone who thinks thet are better than others? If i didnt hit it on the nose when the challenge is over you gotta tell me

You are one of a kind. A lot of guys would be worried about what others would think, why arent you? If your girlfriend lets you out of the house im surprised a guy that doesnt play head games, openly expresses his views, stands up loud for his kids and constantly talks about how much he enjoys them???? Do you have a brother? I dont mean to sound like a goofball or anything but i myself as a woman have been with a lot of jerks or players and not a single one of them has ever displayed emotion and if they did they were to worried about opinions you dont care at all about opinions do you. This is beautiful, thank you carterx7 for sharing this you made my day.

Well after seeing the Video it clearly seems that you are going through the tough or i might say the Toughest Phase of your life currently and there is no way of denying it but let me remind you Life is full of ups and Down's ,the moment you are sad at life may make it happy the next sudden moment and no one knows that,you rightly said cherish the moment because you will regret for not having it later that is true @carterx7 and There are only two lasting bequests you can give children. One of these is roots, the other, wings :)


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