Pain medicine withdrawal

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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Talk about a rough time....

Fellow Steemians, for those of you who have used pain medicine both presribed and not, I'm sure you know what Withdrawal is... I do to. Ive been feeling the pains for a few days now... Why am i posting this? Because a lot of people dont realize the difference between dependance and addiction so Im going to briefly clarify what the difference is.

images (4).jpg Addiction is when you cant help the problem you have regardless to the damage its doing to you and your life, some of the items affected by this are money, family, friends, possessions and so forth. Addiction is powerful and usually looked at by others with a really jacked up view.. When someone doesnt understand something they tend to form an opinion that can be really outside of the truth of the situation. This in itself can be considered an illness as most people in the medical field have begun to say and act on. Me myself i have no opinion on addiction i just hope the best for the person regardless.

images (3).jpg Pill dependance this is when your body needs the medication or you get sick since youve been on this medication for so long that your body has developed a tolerance to it and when you go with out it you begin to get sick, have cravings and deal with the withdrawal affects that your body goes througb with out it. Anxiety, cramps, fever, weakness, night sweats, chills, heat and cold flashes, and a Long list of other symptoms that you dont want to deal with. The reason that i have posted this today is because I over heard people making some really f*cked up remarka about someone at the pharmacy today who was a self admitted addict who happened to be homeless and asking for spare change.

Disclaimer ;
To those of you going through either of these situations I wish you the best I know your pain and remember hang in there. My images posted above are from the addiction network drug website. The purpose of this post was to make it known that there is a difference between addiction and dependance.


I used to rely on a Xanax a lot to the point where I never remembered anything anymore . So many good people have gone from this world because of actions like these and I pray for those struggling that they find a way out .

I can relate to that, im not sure about you all but this is a post well topic id like to see more of. Xanax kicked me for years done now but it took 4 years. Pray for anyone going through it nice post @carterx7. resteeming

Thanks @currencycrypto i appreciate you reading my post. Thanks for the resteem

I can agree with that, never had to withdrawal from xanax but i did withdrawal from percocet, and some other pain medicines. I dont wish it on anyone. Thanks for reading i appreciate it

You are right! And a lot of people who havent experienced it talk about it too flipantly. I havent had a drug addiction before, but another and depression and it is tough. Even when u know its bad for u...u do it anyway because the brain doesnt just wants to feel better.

Hope you have some good support! I'd prolly be in jail by now if I didnt have a great wife that keeps me from falling to far.


Thank you for that, it really means a lot. You got me as a follower dont be a stranger okay?

i never used until now but its great to know and read something about this i hope i remain fit without taking this :)

Just becareful thats all i ask. Thanks for reading my post.

yeah i will be more careful thank you so much for making post about it :)

helpful post but removal of addiction is not a simple thing i am also getting frustrated with my drugs addiction:(

I only use one pill specifically for the headache. And I think it is also menstal because I feel that only with this pill I will pass the pain

I have pill dependance with my illness. When I would stop taking them I will feel it on my body and mind however they say that it is not something addictive.

Well writing ! I used soma 350mg for long time but feel after that too much headache then normal so i decided to not take any medicine and consult with homeopathic doctor now i am normal.

I knew an older woman who was completely dependent on her medicine . If she missed one dose, we knew right away, the effects were immediate. We took care of her when she was 89, she died at 91. We considered weening her off her meds, but we thought in the end that the effects would not be worth it for everyone involved.

At the end of her life, she couldn't swallow due to a stroke and she couldn't swallow her pills. She was like a different person. She could speak clearly, the fog lifted from her mind, she could remember things better. It was shocking. She no longer spoke at half-speed. It was like she was 20 years younger, even after experiencing a debilitating stroke.

I often wonder what would her quality of life would had been like if we had a managed her medication differently for the last few years of her life.


I once had a big injury and was in pain for a long time. I luckely never got subscribed the big pain meds.

I've never gone through such situations :)

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