Mardi Gras came early

in #life7 years ago

Steemians how many of you enjoy Mardia Gras.. for those of you familiar with it, you all know that there are bead necklaces involved and you also know there are quite a few unique ways to get them.

Today was a nice day out very sunny, typical summer day, well to my surprise a few of the places here in Missouri like to hold Mardi Gras celebrations early, I myself wasn't aware od it or when it was announced I was more than likely drifting off into space somewhere. So with that said my two teenage daughters and my younger 5 year old were out at a local park and I felt the need to go to the rest room after drinking a few sodas, after spending 4 maybe 5 minutes looking for a restroom to use I finally found one.. as I was walking back I saw what looked like the tail end of a parade and then low and behold as I turned my head I found who had the most beads, it was this young man

The bead kid

My 5 year old son, out of all the women that were attempting to get beads and the men who were using desperate measures it turns out my son figured out the trick to achieving Mardi gra beads.. I then asked him what he did to get so many and his response was very simple.. I was asking for then by yelling, " Can i have some necklace beads" and it worked. Luckily Logan's a nice guy so when he saw someone that didn't get any he walked up and gave them some. Well Steemit.. thats been the adventure of my day and I just felt the need to share it with you all.


I love the whole vibe of New Orleans during Mardi Gras. I've been twice and had a great time! Do check out my latest post on my Mardi Gras experience. Here:

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