The Mystery of the StarChild Project

in #life7 years ago

This story begins 87 years ago (1930) in a cave in a modest rural town south of the Mexican state of Chihuahua, where a 15-year-old girl from the United States but of Mexican descent, visited her family, who lived in that place. Searching in one of the numerous caves abandoned in these places was the discovery of half-buried bones; One was larger than it seemed to burn the smallest.

Upon closer inspection, she noticed that the smaller skeleton could hardly see the shapes, only by one of her small arms that came out of the rocks. She decided to move the bones to the house where she was staying and knowing that her relatives would not allow her to keep such a finding, she decided to keep them in an improvised place that only she knew. With the passage of time, unfortunately, the hiding place was exposed to the weather due to the bad weather, which caused that much of the skeletons were lost, leaving only the two skulls and a jaw that later she in her adulthood moved to her home until the Day of his death in the 90s.

It is a mystery the identity of the person that I keep for so long macabre discovery, nor the exact place of the cave or mine where they were found.

A friend of the deceased found the skulls in a cardboard box and without knowing for sure what this was about, and what to do with them, he thought it best to give them to an American couple collecting curios and were Fans of the UFO theme; Which were located in the American city of El Paso.

Immediately they note that one of the skulls had unusual features and had malformations that seemed not coming from the human condition, they decided to cede it to professional research.

That is how it came to the hands of researchers Lloyd Pye and Mark Bean who with the collaboration of different companies specialized in genetics like Trace Genetics CA USA and Royal Holloway Institute of London. Along with specialists in neuroscience and cranium-physiology; Determined through studies that there was a possibility of 90% that the strange skull of the child was a hybrid between human and an unknown race.

What special features did the skull have that led specialists to come to such a conclusion?

Well, the first skull is apparently normal, it belongs to a young woman, between 20 and 30 years old at the time of death, but the smallest skull apparently belongs to a child between 5 and 7 years. It shows a series of malformations that do not seem to belong to a human being at a glance.

Their antiquity was determined using the carbon and DNA tests performed by Dr. David Sweet of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver (Canada) which yielded the result that they date back more than 900 years for both Skulls.

The Skull of the Child of the Stars has aroused an huge interest in the scientific community. And it gave rise to a project called "Starchild Project" directed by the researcher Lloyd Pye and that began to look for answers to so unusual mystery.

The physiognomy of the Skull of the Star Child presents a series of characteristics that make it different and unique in the world. For example, it completely devoid of frontal sinuses or lacunae that are normally scattered throughout the cranial surface, it also lacks the most prominent section of the back of the head in the occipital bone called "Inyo" and is found in the Physiognomy of all the primates of the world. It also presents an internal ear size that does not correspond to normal in a human, likewise presents a fold along the sagittal suture that does not correspond to a human skull.

Reviews Found

The scientific community refutes the statements of Pye that attributes the origin of the skull to a hybrid between the human race and an alien, claiming that it could be a pathology known as "Hydrocephalus" which is a condition where the human brain undergoes excessive accumulation Of cerebrospinal fluid (LC) which could result in deformation of the same.

The cause attributed by the critics is the Apert syndrome, which is characterized by the premature closure of the sutures of the skull bone, which causes a malformation in the face and the human skull.

It should be noted that after very thorough technical analysis using techniques such as X-ray and Computed Axial Tomography. (TAC) it was determined that the parts that make up the Skull of the Child of the stars present the basic components of a human skull but configured in a symmetrical way divergent to the human. Unlike human skulls, the thickness of the bone is significantly lower and the configuration bulging in its axes and in all planes of the cranial axis lacks the natural asymmetric deformations, both in the cranial axis and in the bone thickness that characterize the human skull . Hydrocephaly was excluded as a possible explanation.

In the year 2003 the first studies of DNA were realized that tried to recover mitochondrial DNA that is outside the nucleus of the cells, and that comes from the mother and its genetic line.

This is where we find the most interesting and mysterious of this article, because according to the results of this study it was possible to determine that its mother is Human, but not being able to recover Nuclear DNA, which comes from both parents, it was possible to show that the genetic origin Of his father is unknown or not human.

In the most recent studies conducted by Pye and can be found in detail on the project page (, and in which declares that they finally recovered Nuclear DNA and the results are surprising, since they have been able to determine clearly That a percentage of the DNA extracted from the bone is not terrestrial.

According to statements by Pye a laboratory specialized in genetics, whose name is unknown, since it is anonymously because of "Security" issues has revealed specific data of the genetic origin of the Starchild carneo where it states that paternal as maternal DNA could belong to An alien race, also declare that the normal mitochondrial DNA that could be detected would belong to a human mother who only "Donated" a ovule without nucleus, without providing chromosomal DNA, today this technique is carried out in laboratories of advanced technology.

This finding may revolutionize the current scientific basis as it could also mean a resounding fraud on the part of the promoters of the theories of the Child of the stars. What is clear is that Mr. Pye has the hard work of demonstrating definitively his hypothesis on this subject.

For this they have decided to raise funds for the realization of the Starchild Genome Map and so in a definitive way the true evidence that could be a true proof that the human race has been influenced by extraterrestrial beings will be brought to light.

"The ignorance affirms or denies categorically, science doubts" Voltaire.

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Just browsing steemit, and saw this post, Its good to see Lloyd Pye's Truths are still being promoted, he enlightened a lot of people, I followed his research for years, so its good to be reminded, Great Post.

Excellent post dear friend @ carlos-head very interesting a news story, this topic at least here in Argentina have published many media, thank you very much for this great work

Hi @jlufer, I'm so glad that you like my post. Thanks a Lot

Very intersting. I upvoted and follow to keep updated on your posts.

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