Bruce Lee

in #life7 years ago

If we speak of Bruce Lee we refer without a doubt to a legend of the martial arts, a myth that catalogs him as the greatest martial artist of all time; On the other hand, others qualify him as a simple actor and expert in martial arts, who became the most valued actor in history. But precisely, it is from where comes his characteristic so particular and legendary, since it is too difficult to define in so many things that are said of him, which can be real and that things are only exaggerations of his fans more adepts, who saw things don Did not exist, due to its fervor and the spectacularity of its style. Some claim that they only saw a distortion of reality and that at the end of the day these feats never happened.

In this article we will review what was the life of this legendary character, some curiosities and stages of his life that made him an idol of the martial arts and his mysterious death that is involved in many conspiracy theories.

Bruce Lee was born on November 27, 1940, in San Francisco, at Jackson Street Hospital in the United States of America. His real name is Lee Jun-Fan. At the age of eight he moves with his family to Hong Kong, where he begins to be interested in martial arts; In that time next to the teacher "Sifu Yip Mantoma" takes classes of "Wing Chun", a variant of Kung-Fu.


After some time practicing this specialty, together with his teacher Ip Man, was involved in many street fights and problems with the local police, for this reason his parents decide to send it back to San Francisco, specifically to Chinatown, soon to move to Seattle . By that time he was not very interested in acting or dancing, he focused on getting his American nationality and finishing his studies.

In 1960, he enrolled in the Edison Technical School, obtaining his degree the following year, to pursue university studies at the University of Washington, where he obtained a doctorate in philosophy, drama and psychology.


After several successful jobs, Lee was forced to teach classes inside and outside the university, such as in parks, small garages and in a modest local, while developing his particular style that I call him: Jeet Kune Do (El Path of the fist interceptor). This Bruce style was a mix of different techniques within martial arts and self defense such as boxing, Wing Chun, Jiu Jitsu, Thai boxing, karate, etc.

After meeting his wife Linda Emery, he began his career as a teacher, teaching classes professionally, at a place he would later call Jun Fan Gung-Fu Institute. The name is derived from the combination of 2 terms; "Gun-Fu" that was allusive to the style of combat of "Kung Fu" and the second term "Jun Fan" that refers to the Chinese name of "Bruce Lee". Which was something like "Bruce Lee's Kung Fu." This school bothered the local Chinese community, who refused to give the art of Kung Fu to Western students.

In 1964 Bruce Lee attended a series of exhibitions as a guest of Ed Parker, founder of "Kempo Karate" in the United States. Bruce's participation impresses Parker and the general public, where he was a TV producer named William Dozier, who asked him to do some castings for his television projects.

He then expanded his Wing Chun teaching institutes throughout California, Seattle, and Oakland. Opening a third "Jun Fan Gung-Fu Institute"; Located Chinatown in Los Angeles.

In 1965 he had his first son, Brandon Lee, who also became an actor. For the following year Bruce participated in a supporting role in the television series "The Green Hornet", where he played Kato, along with actor Van Williams. For this work on Television, he moved to Los Angeles. Where he settled in an apartment on Wilshire Boulevard in Westwood.


By its practice of particular and unknown combat, the series transcended beyond the screens of television, and the American public was marvelous with its style. The series lasted a season and then ended successfully in 1967. Returning to his character Kato, Bruce participated in three episodes of another hit series, Batman.

In those years Bruce obtained small roles in different films of the industry, like "Ironside" and "Here come the Brides". Later in 1970 he suffered a serious spinal injury when he weighed, after a tortuous recovery, Bruce returned to his artistic career, working on the script of several projects like "The Silent Flute" in conjunction with James Coburn and Stirling Silliphant . And The Warrior, which was a monk Shaoli seeking adventure and knowledge in the old west.


This was a great disappointment for Bruce to learn that the Warner Brothers accepted the script for "The Warrior" but performed it under the name "Kung Fu", and instead of being the protagonist, they chose the American actor "David Carradine, "being discriminated against by his Chinese offspring which did not please the American public.

In 1971, while touring in Hong Kong, film producer Raymond Chow of Golden Harvest offers Bruce participation in his project called "Big Boss" (Karate to death in Bangkok or The Great Boss). Immediately became a success in the Chinese box office, gaining a great popularity among the Asian public.

Later he participated in other cinematographic productions like "Fist of Fury" obtaining the supposed superiority of Kung Fu on Japanese Karate, taking advantage of the feeling of inferiority Chinese against Japanese.

With these two films Bruce Lee got his stardom, becoming a well-established star of martial arts films.


After these great successes he moved to Rome, where he produced the film "The Way of the Dragon" in which he was Actor, Director, Screenwriter and co-producer, in this film I work with another star consolidated in the films of Martial Arts, as it was Chuck Norris who in time is also considered a legend, for better or for worse.

This film is considered a classic among the filmographies of Martial Arts. Where the scene of the fight in the coliseum with Chuck Norris for many was the fight of the century, becoming a cult film for the Chinese and world population.

I also made a work in a film that did not come to an end, only 11 minutes later, called "Game of Death", where his great friends and disciples participated: "Dan Inosanto" and "Kareen Abdul-Jabbar. "

Then came another job offer, which merged two recognized producers, one American and the other Chinese, to develop a production called "Enter the Dragon." In the film I participated as Co-Director of All the scenes of combat and as protagonist actor, and it is considered his summit work.

His death occurred on July 20, 1973, at the age of 32 and at the height of his success. Her death is shrouded in mystery, which according to the official version showed a strong headache that plunged him into bed, and then his friend "Betti Ting Pei" to see his condition gave him a painkiller, then plunged into a deep state Of unconsciousness, which then became a state of coma, and of which he never awoke. More than 25,000 people attended his funeral.


Philosophy and Legacy

His interest in philosophy was based on the teachings of his master "Ip Man" who taught him the art of "Wing Chun" which led him to define Kung Fu in a different way, where there were no limitations and should be adapted to Each person, using spontaneity and individual potential as a premise in the practice of martial arts.


For Bruce Lee, Kung Fu as a practice where individual abilities and abilities were not exploited, it would exploit the potential of a street personal defense situation. Making him reinvent in a new style with his personal brand, as was the "Jeet Kune Do".

Another influence for him in the field of philosophy was the Indian philosopher, Jiddu Krishnamurti, who taught him that the "search for knowledge led to Self-Knowledge" and this strongly influenced his vision of life.


Their style was based on harmonizing the styles of combat with the premise of using the arms and legs in the most efficient way, and the important thing to use them in the best possible way. Expressing yourself through martial arts movements as spontaneously as possible at the time.

The legacy of this legend of martial arts can be found in the disclosure and opening to the Western world of what at that time was something unknown, as was the Jeet Kune Do and Chinese martial arts. His technique, ideas and philosophy are currently applied in many modern martial arts academies around the world; And definitely after his legendary films the world of martial arts cinema followed the legacy of this unique character.

His son Brandon Lee also followed in the footsteps of his father, getting several appearances in various Hollywood films, but his career was truncated with an accident in full recording of the movie "The Crow" where an alleged failure in a blaze gun Used in a scene where he was shot, appears to have been loaded with live ammunition, causing him to die. His death also detonated several rumors that it was not an accident. Brandon was buried next to his father in March 1993, at Lake View Cemetery, Seattle, USA.

Undoubtedly, the legacy of Bruce Lee will remain indelible in the history of martial arts, as an imperishable landmark. The perfection of his techniques, the admirable physical and mental development, his speed, and charisma will keep him as a world martial arts classic.


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