Why has sick negative energy been taking control?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

In English

Intelligence is one of the culties that has the positive force but unfortunately very few know how to use it because they are not united in knowledge, understanding and love, and that is where cunning happens to be one of the best qualities that has the negative force which made him be very poorly seen as tricks, traps, etc., since these forces between them are taken care of and are supported between and there is where they come the saying "Among thieves, corrupt, liars are understood." Currently the positive does not have the strength to fight it, since the negative has the power and can camouflage itself while the positive one, has only the knowledge, quality that the positive force does not understand or understand how to use it to overcome it.
Knowledge means not to sin ignorance, to be aware, to know, to perceive, to perceive, to reach, to distinguish, to understand, to learn, to penetrate, to find out, to interpret, to express opinions and, above all, to think.
That is why we tell you that the positive force has to have the exact qualities to be able to overcome the negative. You do not need to turn the other cheek, or fight with weapons of war, or face-to-face confrontation: you need to defend yourself with cause and effect, with solid and completely valid arguments.

En Español

La inteligencia es una de las cualidades que tiene la fuerza positiva pero lamentablemente muy pocos lo saben utilizar porque no están unidas en el conocimiento, entendimiento y amor, y ahí es donde la astucia pasa a ser una de las mejores cualidades que tiene la fuerza negativa que lo hicieron ser muy mal vistas como artimañas, trampas etc., ya que estas fuerzas entre ellas se cuidan y se apoyan entre y ahi es donde vienen el dicho "Entre ladrones, corruptos

Actualmente la positiva no tiene la fuerza para combatirlo, ya que la negativa tiene "el poder" y puede camuflarse mientras que la positiva,  tiene solo "el saber", cualidad que la fuerza positiva no sabe ni entiende como se debe usarla para vencerla.

El saber significa no pecar de ignorancia, estar al corriente, conocer, percibir, percatarse, alcanzar, distinguir, entender, aprender, penetrar, averiguar,interpretar, opinar, y sobre todo, pensar.

Por eso les decimos que la fuerza positiva tiene que tener las cualidades exactas para poder vencer a la negativa. No necesitan dar la otra mejilla, ni luchar con armas bélicas, ni confrontarse cara a cara: ustedes necesitan defenderse con la causa y efecto, con argumentos sólidos y completamente válidos.

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