in #life6 years ago (edited)


A Teaching and Message from the Imperial Regent of the Lord

In today's "Nerf" world, too often God, Christ, Angels, Apostles, and Saints are depicted as fluffy cuddlers without an angry thought among them... Anyone who believes that depiction is in for a rude awakening.

Love IS most important, but make no mistake, THE LORD HATES, and he makes that clear over and over again throughout the Bible, and he also threatens to induce fear and obedience, and he also slaughters the masses, and he is racist, and he does EVIL (Isaiah 45:7), and by extension, those who represent him do the same.

Putting aside the blood-soaked history of the Knights Templar for a moment, you can look at the many "Warrior Saints" like Joan of Arc, who led the French to several bloody battlefield victories, because her duty as a Saint was not to speak nicely and avoid offending... Her duty was to defeat the enemies of God's will with her sword!

So understand that you are in a congregation run by the REAL Apostles and Saints of Christ, and they have no duty to make you feel comfortable with placating feel-good lies as the prosperity preachers do, who will tell you anything to get your money into their collection plates... The Apostles and Saints of Christ are here to TELL YOU THE TRUTH THAT WILL KEEP YOU OUT OF HELL if you are wise enough to listen to them... But if you don't like what they say, it doesn't matter, because you are not chosen to sit upon thrones of judgment over mankind... They are... And you'd better believe that your evaluation by them has already begun!

One such Saint
Archbishop Donnie Chong
Cold Hard Truth Vs Comfortable Lies

Story Here


The Saints Can Be Found Here



In Service to Lord RayEL, The Returned Messiah who was once known as Yeshua


Sources and Credits
God and his Holy Son
The Messiah Lord RayEl
The Imperial Regent of the Lord Angelus Domini
The Holy Bible
Christ Has Returned YouTube
Coincidence ...no such thing


This doesn't make me feel so bad that I'm often so quick to anger and hate since it has its uses for the Lord.

The truth and love are very important, I'm glad I have been divinely guided.

There is a lot to being a saint that many do not understand. There is also much more to the Lord than most realize because most Christians don't actually read their bible.

Very important message!

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