SIGNS in the Heavens ...August 21st Eclipse and September 23 2017

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Did you expect immediate sky fall or a BOOM after the eclipse August 21st ? Well it is not over ....


What are they not telling you?

On August 23 (just two days after the Great American Solar Eclipse), participants from 24 nations, including defense and security ministers and experts, scientists, engineers, non-government organizations like the Salvation Army, Red Cross, and National Governors Association will conduct an emergency preparation drill on a massive scale. This drill will also include members of the U.S. military, National Guard Adjutant Generals, officials from Homeland Security, Department of Energy, FEMA, NOAA, and experts from the utility, distribution and supply sectors. Their work is to learn about, discuss and plan for the inevitability of large scale catastrophes, referred to as the “Black Sky events”: extreme weather, mega earthquakes, cyber terrorism, high altitude electromagnetic pulse, Intentional Electromagnetic Interference, and coordinated physical assault that “severely disrupts the normal functioning of our critical infrastructures in multiple regions for long periods of time.”

It’s not “if” but “when” a Black Sky event will occur. The time is now for each of us to do all we can to be resilient, to prevent, but also to prepare to restore and rebuild.

The info in this video below was actually from Breaking Israel News which posted up on 15th August 2017.

Actual picture below from the solar eclipse on August 21 2017


... it is just the beginning

Remember ..... a few things need to happen first before SKY FALL !!! Watch about this prophecy!

Total Solar Eclipse.png

Salvation through Christ Rayel is #1 ...if you do not have this then everything else is meaningless . All preparedness would be in vain without him.

Please prepare yourselves in all ways as some events are catalysts , markers and triggers for other events coming ! September 23rd comes soon!

No, it will not be the end, but it is time to prepare for events to come and the end of this age as you know it will change forever . It will be a major event

Readiness at Any Hour
35Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away. 36No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 37As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man.…

The Great Sign - Yellow.png

Revelation 12 - Virgo.png

As the Lord's Imperial Regent informed everyone


PRAY... Then get into action!

  • If power and communications are cut off, and you are in a relatively safe area, gather like-minded people to serve under your command until you hear from us or are retrieved by us.

  • If government forces offer you secured housing like a FEMA camp, accept the offer.

  • If a government official asks you for your religion, answer "RayElite" or "Luciferian"; any other answer may get you executed.

  • If you have the ability to travel, either make your way to Baja California, south of Tijuana, or preferably Mount Zion in Israel, since the Baja pilgrims will not be remaining long in their present location.

  • Seek high ground and defensible positions.

  • Both caves and concrete/steel skyscrapers may be places of survivability.

Here is an Emergency checklist to refer to for physical preparedness


Here is a bit more interfaith intelligence release

To begin receiving the TRUTH and SALVATION :
Please recommend me as a contributor and my story at :

sources and credits
God and his Son
The Holy Bible
Remaining images created by our staff in courtesy and in affiliation with ABN, Catholic EOC and Monte Ministries
video from ABN, black sky story
BP Watch


I love your post. Is it about Heaven, at all? I am a curious Christian who is fascinated with the realm of Heaven and me going there someday with all the other Christians. Upvoted and following!!

Thank you! I DO have a video release on the Secrets to Heaven

Awesome! I'd like to see it. I'll keep on eye on your posts..

great post cardinalkpatrick! keep it up! and thanks again for following!

interesting article @rogerblu

Here it comes.

Great info

It is coming

Anytime ...multiple events

upvoted! Thanks for sharing we all need a piece of heaven!

I expect God is in control and we are on his time <3

The government are preparing for these events, this should tell the masses all they need to know... If the governments are preparing why not everyone else.

Time to get prepared!

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